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Jon Fleischman

Kelly McCarty Responds to Barry Nestande’s Post

(In the interests of providing a fair and balanced opportunity for debate here on the FR Blog, I’ve posted this submission from Kelly McCarty, in response to this post by our Riverside County Correspondent Barry Nestande.) FROM KELLY MCCARTY:

Assemblyman John Benoit’s Chief of Staff Barry Nestande has posted on this site that it was outrageous for me to have considered running against his employer in the Republican primary if Proposition 93 would have passed.

First, Nestande does not disclose that his brother Brian is one of my opponents for the Republican nomination in Assembly District 64. That would seem to be an important disclosure for an author to… Read More

Mike Spence

Today’s Commentary: The Myth Of the Conservative State GOP

LOL. There was another article this weekend about big donor GOP liberals worried that the party was too right wing and demanding changes in the structure etc…. This story comes around every so often, usually because someone is trying to benefit financially or politically from the effort. Sometimes both.

These articles always make me laugh. Why? Because it is all fantasy. The State GOP central Committee is not controlled by conservatives and hasn’t been for the over 15 years I’ve been an actual member.

I should point out I’ve been a member of the Executive Committee of the CRP for almost 15 years and served on the Board of Directors from 1993-1999. I have chaired committees including initiatives and been a member of the Rules committee and I am dead on positive Conservatives have never really controlled the party. I think I would have known if they (we) did. So who really controls the party? Let me explain. Back in the late 1980’s at a conference Paul Weyrich, founder of the Heritage … Read More

Mike Spence

The Myth Of the Conservative State GOP

LOL. There was another article this weekend about big donor GOP liberals worried that the party was too right wing and demanding changes in the structure etc…. This story comes around every so often, usually because someone is trying to benefit financially or politically from the effort. Sometimes both.

These articles always make me laugh. Why? Because it is all fantasy. The State GOP central Committee is not controlled by conservatives and hasn’t been for the over 15 years I’ve been an actual member.

I should point out I’ve been a member of the Executive Committee of the CRP for over 15 years and served on the Board of Directors from 1993-1999. I have chaired committees including initiatives and been a member of the Rules committee and I am dead on positive Conservatives have never really controlled the party. I think I would have known if they (we) did. So who really controls the party? Let me explain. Back in the late 1980’s at a conference Paul Weyrich, founder of the Heritage … Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – No Oversight Allows Prisoner to Own Daycares

When government agencies or programs provide help or services to children, for some unexplained reason, they are magically bestowed extra credence and autonomy.As a result, those programs are often given unrestrained freedom in spending money and running their programs. Generally, the programs have very little oversight. However, some agencies have wasted millions of taxpayer dollars in funding programs that have benefited children very little…and may have even endangered them. This situation below provides a chilling example.

According to the Los Angeles Times (February 7, 2008), “More than 50 people have been charged in a massive childcare fraud ring operated in part by a federal prison inmate and his wife….”The prisoner-led group was able to do major damage as it “bilked taxpayers out of at least $3 million.”

The clever couple… Read More

James V. Lacy

American Patriot Donald Trump

Donald Trump is not exactly a conservative icon. He ran for the Reform Party presidential nomination not too long ago; a party with very confused ideals. He has an odd haircut. He is very successful. Hemarries and divorces "crazy" women. He is an ultramega-successful version of someone who hangs out at the Islands Hotel Bar in Newport Beach late on a Friday night.

But Donald Trump has done something VERY RIGHT. He has taken on the California Coastal Commission. The issue? Having to get approval from the government to display an American flag on private property.

Trump did southern California a favor by purchasing the moribund Rancho Palos Verdes golf course a few years ago with intention of building it into a national course. In the process of redevelopment, he decided to erect a 70-foot flagpole and display a large American flag. The winds offer a great waiving flag, backgrounded by a spectacular view of sea and sky.

But the local environmentalists complained that the flag "blighted" the ocean views. After a great debate, the Palos Verdes City Council gave Trump a retroactive approval, by a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Survey Show McClintock As “Walk Away” Winner If He Runs For Doolittle Seat

State Senator Tom McClintock is so popular with California Republicans that a lot of people, joking around, say that he could win a primary for any Republican office anywhere in the Golden State. Well, if we needed some proof that this very well may be the case, you need look no further than a survey, released today, that shows Tom McClintock RUNNING AWAY with the GOP nomination for Congress in the 4th District, where incumbent John Doolittle is retiring. The survey, commissioned by Ted Costa and long-time McClintock confidant John Stoos over at Constitutional Advocates, and conducted by the very reputable Moore Information public opinion research firm, shows some pretty powerful numbers for the termed-out State Senator. The survey of 300 registered Republicans in this conservative Republican district that is east and north of Sacramento was conducted Monday and Tuesday, and showed that McClintock with 43% of the primary vote followed distantly by Doug Ose at 11% and Rico Oller with 6%. [The memo on the survey results, and the questions asked, are attachedRead More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Steelwatch 3 – Bordering on the Ridiculous

[Update: How is this for bizarre? Given Mike Der Manouel’s post below, and the "Steel Watch 3" anonymous e-mail he has reprinted… I just got an email from the Steel campaign, with a cascade of Congressional endorsements… among them… JERRY LEWIS. You seriously can’t make this stuff up – Flash]

I have not endorsed either Tim Morgan or Shawn Steel in the race for California National Committeeman for the Republican National Committee, but whoever is putting out Steelwatch is actually hurting the Morgan Campaign. Here is the latest Steelwatch":


Shawn Steel wants to be California’s Republican National Committeeman.

But there’s one problem (ok – there’s more than one problem – but we’re only going to talk about oneRead More

Jon Fleischman

Speaker says Spanish, Calderon speaks in English

Update: Apparently President Calderon is giving his address as I write this, in English! Good for him. That said, below is the text of the memo that was e-mailed from the Speaker’s office to Assembly offices, stating that Calderon’s address would be in Spanish (hence my post below this one).

DATE: February 13, 2008 TO: Assembly and Senate Offices FROM: Assembly Speaker Fabian Núñez SUBJECT: Distribution of Headsets for President Calderón’s Address – February 13Read More