The Party of Racism, Hatred and Bigotry
The historical figure that led to the fights in Charlottesville, VA General Robert E. Lee, was a Democrat. His statue was built by Democrats. Now Democrat office holders in Charlottesville want to tear down his statue because he was a racist.
Andrew Jackson, the father of the Democrat party and for whom many Democrat party fundraising functions are named, owned over 300 slaves at Hermitage, and ordered them to be whipped to maintain control of them. To compound his racial sins, he ordered the forcible removal of Native Americans from Georgia to Oklahoma. To this day, the Cherokee mourn the dead in the Trail of Tears.
John C. Calhoun, a Democrat, led the fight in the US Senate for more than 30 years in the mid 19th Century to protect the institution of slavery. However, the racism, hatred and bigotry of the Democrat party did not end with the civil war.
Following the Civil War, Republicans ran the country for over 60 years, but in 1884, Democrat Grover Cleveland won the presidency with the promise to end reconstruction in the South. Reconstruction was an effort by Republicans to eliminate the vestiges of slavery in the South, and so angered Southern… Read More