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James V. Lacy

San Francisco Chronicle – Ethically challenged second rate newspaper – tool of SEIU

Having expected there might be some delays in voting yesterday at the Republican State Convention in San Francisco, where I served as a delegate, I made the wise decision to stay overnight in town so I would not have to be rushed or miss a flight after the voting took place Sunday morning.

So this morning, I rose to read the San Francisco Chronicle andits front page news section above the fold story "Medi-Cal in Crosshairs" by so-called reporter Tom Chorneau of the Sacramento Bureau. The long article, with color pictures, described the "plight" of a hemophiliac who, under a proposed plan by Governor Schwarzenegger must file eligibility forms quarterly instead of annually or semiannually to continue his treatments. He is afraid the new forms "might get lost in the mail." The article depicts a man injecting himself with plasma while his mother, in a purple t-shirt,tensely watches the procedure. Itincludes a picture of theGovernor and his contact number for readers to "Get Involved." It continues to page 10 and includes contact phone numbers and email addresses for the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State GOP Board Implements Professional Financial Procedures

Last weekend, the California Republican Party held its biennial convention at the Hyatt Embarcadero in downtown San Francisco. This particular convention had a lot of aspects to it, and so I will be penning a few different commentaries touching on different aspects of it. Today I will talk a little bit about an important step that the CRP’s Board of Directors took in professionalizing party financial operations, but this week I will also bring you: 1) An in depth look at the race that just took place for Republican National Committeeman. Of course, FR readers know how the story ends, with Shawn Steel’s election, but there’s a lot more to tell! 2) The CRP has adopted a new Platform to take us through the next four years. It is more comprehensive than ever. What does it say? How did it come about? We’ll go into those details! Finally, as more of a hybrid of what used to be our "Winners & Losers of the CRP Convention" that we used to run, we’ll highlight some folks who had a particularly notable convention. Of course notoriety swings two ways… –Read More

Jon Fleischman

Have an extra $12.5k? Join Arnold for lunch!

If you are in D.C today., and have no lunch plans… Swing on by the Four Seasons where Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is holding a fundraiser for his "California Dream Team" Political Action Committee. The price for this particular "cashectomy"? A cool $12,500 per person. See the attached invite and summary. For that price, I hope there is some polenta on the plate!… Read More

Matt Rexroad

It says something about a person

It has been my observation that you can tell much more about people when they lose an election than when they win.

When you win it is easy to be involved in the community. Showing up at public events is a source of pride. You won. "Look at me. I’m cool. The others just could not compare to me."

When a candidate loses they often take it very personally. Some tend to hide. The good people do a complete self and organizational evaluation. From that they find some other way to contribute to the community. Most of the time there are some harsh feelings. Sometimes they go away with time. Sometimes the grudge lasts a life time.

I’m certainly not going to ever argue that a candidate or former candidate should ever give up the fight for what they think is right. However, at some point the election is over and you just need to move on.

My most recent reminder of this comes from former Hesperia School Board Trustee Nellie Gogley.

After she lost her re-election bid (came in last)… Read More

Jon Fleischman

CRP adopts Pro-Life Platform, Steel wins big…

A quick update from the State GOP Convention… Delegates overwhelmingly re-adopted a strong, conservative pro-life, pro-family platform. Also, in a very competitive race for Republican National Committeeman, former CRP Chairman Shawn Steel defeated incumbent Tim Morgan, the current National Treasurer of the Party (the vote was 595 to 380). Also elected without contest Treasurer Keith Carlson (reelected) Secretary Steve Baric and National Committeewoman Linda Ackerman (outgoing National Committeewoman Barbara Alby endorsed Ackerman for her seat). Congrats to all!… Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – CalTrans Treats Urine Like Hazardous Waste (and you pay for it)

Each year, CalTrans spends millions cleaning the state’s highways. One item that CalTrans is finding more and more of – urine filled-bottles. Yes, apparently some idiotic drivers like doing number one in the number two lane and throwing bottles of their urine alongside highways.

According to a CalTrans Supervisor who was interviewed on CBS 13 – Sacramento (February 13, 2008), ‘The urine bottles have become a problem.’” While most of us may find it disgusting, you would think that a pair of latex gloves and a garbage bag would solve the problem.But no… CalTrans goes the extra mile.

According to the same supervisor, “‘It’s a hazardous substance. You don’t want to touch somebody’s throw-away, and our guys are trained not to pick ’em up…. We have an actual hazardous materials contractor who comes in, and I think it could get pretty expensive.’”Read More

Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego

Out of Thin Air… The departure of Ken King from the 52nd Congressional race may have been mysterious and quiet, but the "potential" candidacy of County Supervisor Dianne Jacobfor theopenhouse seat created quite a buzz last week. It proves once again that political rumors are often fueled by their own hot air.

Jacob said long ago she would not be running for Congress, and — despite the fervent grist mill — absolutely nothing has changed in that regard. None of it amounted to anything other than the same folks talking to each other and building much ado out of nada. In fact, I wasn’t even going topost a thing about it, but the anonymous SD411 decided yesterday it was an entry on Red County SD.

BTW, Jacob was in the ROV the very first day of filing, the Monday before last, to pull her papers for re-election. With $400k on hand, there is also a rumor afloat that she might be hard to… Read More

Meredith Turney

Draft Tom McClintock Campaign at CRP Convention

As anticipation grows over a possible Tom McClintock run in the 4th CD, there is a strong presence here at the CRP convention in favor of his candidacy. Greeting delegates and guests when they enter the registration area are two huge “Draft Tom” signs. Supporters are asked to sign their name to the signs, expressing their encouragement for McClintock’s campaign. “Draft Tom” stickers are on the lapels of many attendees (including this excited 4th CD resident). Talk amongst attendees is that our conservative standard bearer could throw his hat in the ring as early as this week. Supporters are anxiously awaiting the announcement and the buzz at the convention is that we could soon be referring to Senator McClintock as Congressman McClintock.

Based on the platform battles at this convention, it becomes increasingly obvious that now, more than ever, we need more articulate, committed conservatives in our state legislature and congress. Thankfully, the CRP’s platform committee successfully hammered out a platform that maintains our conservative principles and addresses current issues facing our state. As a member of congress, McClintock would provide the sound… Read More