Jon Coupal: Phony Homeowners Group Fronts Phony Ballot Measure
FlashReport readers — you will hear a lot from me on this subject, but I may not be as eloquent as Jon Coupal below. On the June ballot, Proposition 98 represents very real property rights reform, preventing the abusing "taking" of private property by the government. It is an oustanding measure which deserves your energy and support.
On the other hand, Proposition 99 is a fraud — a fake. Placed on the ballot by those who would preserve the rights of government to egregiously use the power of eminent domain to trample the rights of property owners, the backers of 99 are hoping they get their measure to recive just one more vote than 98, as buried in its language is a "poison pill" that voids 98 if 99 gets more votes.
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