DC News
We wondered aloud last night which Presidential candidate is now the "Gary Busey" of the race–anyone watching the red carpet stuff before the ceremony knows what I’m talking about. Maybe it’s a moniker that can be applied to future candidates.
In other news today:
As Jon "Flash" noted, the Gov. is in town for a fund-raiser and luncheon — he’s across the street from my office now, I’ll see if I can wander over and get a photo or some info. The hotel is the same place where Speaker Pelosi visits with some regularity, mostly in the mornings (I park in a garage near there). Rumors are it’s for the gym (mui exclusivo), the hair salon and / or breakfast meetings or fund-raisers. The spot is also popular with other members of the delegation. A related note, Roll Call mentioned in the gossip column that Rep. Anna Eshoo presided at a recent Pelosi family wedding,… Read More