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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary from Steve Poizner

Today we feature a "Guest Commentary" — which is actually the prepared text of Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner’s address at last Friday’s Dinner Banquet at the California Republican Party Convention. I thought it might be interesting reading, especially given that Poizner is often spoken of as a potential GOP candidate for Governor in 2010… REMARKS TO THE CALIFORNIA REPUBLICAN PARTY FROM INSURANCE COMMISSIONER STEVE POIZNER

Let me start off by saying, “Thank you members and friends of the California Republican Party for helping to defeat Proposition 93.” Without your support and hard work, weRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary from Steve Poizner

Today we feature a "Guest Commentary" — which is actually the prepared text of Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner’s address at last Friday’s Dinner Banquet at the California Republican Party Convention. I thought it might be interesting reading, especially given that Poizner is often spoken of as a potential GOP candidate for Governor in 2010…


Let me start off by saying, “Thank you members and friends of the California Republican Party for helping to defeat Proposition 93.”

Without your support and hard work, we could never have taken on the entrenched special interests in Sacramento, and won.

We all know that Prop 93 wasn’t about reform – it was about power,

…the naked desire of a few to keep their power.

And that’s why defeating Proposition 93 was soRead More

Fargo’s Follies

This Sacramento Bee story about Mayor Fargo’s travels around the world on taxpayer dollars couldn’t have come at a worse time for the Mayor. Former Sacramento High school and Phoenix Suns basketball star Kevin Johnson is seriously considering a run against Fargo.

Johnson, started St. Hope non-profit development corporation in 1989. He is well respected in the community, has the ability to raise significant resources and could self fund a portion of his campaign.

With only two weeks to go until the filing deadline closes for candidates, the timing of this piece, combined with Fargo’s small amount of Cash-On-Hand, make her appear vulnerable at a time when she needs to appear her strongest.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: State GOP Board Implements Professional Financial Procedures

Last weekend, the California Republican Party held its biennial convention at the Hyatt Embarcadero in downtown San Francisco. This particular convention had a lot of aspects to it, and so I will be penning a few different commentaries touching on different aspects of it. Today I will talk a little bit about an important step that the CRP’s Board of Directors took in professionalizing party financial operations, but this week I will also bring you: 1) An in depth look at the race that just took place for Republican National Committeeman. Of course, FR readers know how the story ends, with Shawn Steel’s election, but there’s a lot more to tell! 2) The CRP has adopted a new Platform to take us through the next four years. It is more comprehensive than ever. What does it say? How did it come about? We’ll go into those details! Finally, as more of a hybrid of what used to be our "Winners & Losers of the CRP Convention" that we used to run, we’ll highlight some folks who had a particularly notable convention. Of course notoriety swings two ways… –Read More

DC News

We wondered aloud last night which Presidential candidate is now the "Gary Busey" of the race–anyone watching the red carpet stuff before the ceremony knows what I’m talking about. Maybe it’s a moniker that can be applied to future candidates.

In other news today:

As Jon "Flash" noted, the Gov. is in town for a fund-raiser and luncheon — he’s across the street from my office now, I’ll see if I can wander over and get a photo or some info. The hotel is the same place where Speaker Pelosi visits with some regularity, mostly in the mornings (I park in a garage near there). Rumors are it’s for the gym (mui exclusivo), the hair salon and / or breakfast meetings or fund-raisers. The spot is also popular with other members of the delegation. A related note, Roll Call mentioned in the gossip column that Rep. Anna Eshoo presided at a recent Pelosi family wedding,… Read More

James V. Lacy

San Francisco Chronicle – Ethically challenged second rate newspaper – tool of SEIU

Having expected there might be some delays in voting yesterday at the Republican State Convention in San Francisco, where I served as a delegate, I made the wise decision to stay overnight in town so I would not have to be rushed or miss a flight after the voting took place Sunday morning.

So this morning, I rose to read the San Francisco Chronicle andits front page news section above the fold story "Medi-Cal in Crosshairs" by so-called reporter Tom Chorneau of the Sacramento Bureau. The long article, with color pictures, described the "plight" of a hemophiliac who, under a proposed plan by Governor Schwarzenegger must file eligibility forms quarterly instead of annually or semiannually to continue his treatments. He is afraid the new forms "might get lost in the mail." The article depicts a man injecting himself with plasma while his mother, in a purple t-shirt,tensely watches the procedure. Itincludes a picture of theGovernor and his contact number for readers to "Get Involved." It continues to page 10 and includes contact phone numbers and email addresses for the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

State GOP Board Implements Professional Financial Procedures

Last weekend, the California Republican Party held its biennial convention at the Hyatt Embarcadero in downtown San Francisco. This particular convention had a lot of aspects to it, and so I will be penning a few different commentaries touching on different aspects of it. Today I will talk a little bit about an important step that the CRP’s Board of Directors took in professionalizing party financial operations, but this week I will also bring you: 1) An in depth look at the race that just took place for Republican National Committeeman. Of course, FR readers know how the story ends, with Shawn Steel’s election, but there’s a lot more to tell! 2) The CRP has adopted a new Platform to take us through the next four years. It is more comprehensive than ever. What does it say? How did it come about? We’ll go into those details! Finally, as more of a hybrid of what used to be our "Winners & Losers of the CRP Convention" that we used to run, we’ll highlight some folks who had a particularly notable convention. Of course notoriety swings two ways… –Read More

Jon Fleischman

Have an extra $12.5k? Join Arnold for lunch!

If you are in D.C today., and have no lunch plans… Swing on by the Four Seasons where Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger is holding a fundraiser for his "California Dream Team" Political Action Committee. The price for this particular "cashectomy"? A cool $12,500 per person. See the attached invite and summary. For that price, I hope there is some polenta on the plate!… Read More