Ashburn confirms his BOE candidacy…
“When it rains, it pours,” as they say. Today it is “raining” Republican candidates for the State Board of Equalization.
Earlier today I blogged on how Tom McClintock’s decision to run for Congress would immediately set up a GOP donnybrook for Bill Leonard’s BOE seat (which is up in 2010).
See my post below for the field so far – Alby, Runner (George), Nakanishi…
Well, add another name to the list. Apparently for a few months, term limited State Senator Roy Ashburn has been running for this seat, with a brief break when it looked like McClintock was running for BOE (Ashburn would have backed him).
Ashburn is busy making fundraising calls, with an Ashburn for BOE event this Monday. Very busy making calls.
I learned about Asbhurn’s activities when the Senator called me a few minutes ago. He also told me, “The Board of Equalization is California’s tax board. This key position gives taxpayers a voice and an advocate in the process.”
So, now add Ashburn to the mix. Oh, I should add that I heard from the Nakanishi campaign that he has been… Read More