The Rise of the Iron Curtain
California legislators are notorious for their many harebrained ideas, but some proposals are such an affront to commonsense and decency that it is impossible to comprehend their motivation. Senator Alan Lowenthal is the author of one of the most shocking bills introduced in the state senate not just this year, but in many years. SB 1322 would actually allow the promotion of communism in California’s public schools. Yes, communism—the very government system responsible for the deaths of an estimated 100 million people since its implementation.
Under current law in California, it is illegal for communist organizations to use public school or community college property for their meetings. Senator Lowenthal wants to strike that law. He also wants to strike the law that requires public (government) employees forswear membership in an organization (the Communist Party) bent on the “forceful or violent” overthrow of the United States government.
But that’s not the worst of it. Senator Lowenthal also wants to strike the law that prohibits a… Read More