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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Gingrich Grassroots Group Opens Silicon Valley Office

American Solutions for Winning the Future is a new, non-partisan organization built around three goals: to defend America and our allies abroad and defeat our enemies, to strengthen and revitalize America’s core values, and to move the government into the 21st Century. Its General Chairman is former Speaker Newt Gingrich.

They have opened a new office here in California, in the Silicon Valley, staffed by David Kralik, who is the group’s Director of Internet Strategy.

Instead of me talking about the significance of this announcement, how about I let former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich to the honors…

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Jon Fleischman

Gingrich Grassroots Group Opens Silicon Valley Office

American Solutions for Winning the Future is a new, non-partisan organization built around three goals: to defend America and our allies abroad and defeat our enemies, to strengthen and revitalize America’s core values, and to move the government into the 21st Century. Its General Chairman is former Speaker Newt Gingrich.

They have opened a new office here in California, in the Silicon Valley, staffed by David Kralik, who is the group’s Director of Internet Strategy.

Instead of me talking about the significance of this announcement, how about I let former Speaker of the House of Representatives Newt Gingrich to the honors…

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

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Mike Spence

Carson Political Hit Continues

Over a year ago I wrote about the "Assault" that took place at a city council meeting in Carson. A recall proponent of the mayor swiped some papers at an opponent and shazaam there is an assault case. Now this is going to trial. The youtube Video says it all and the winner is….… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Not again? Governor Willing To Plunder Taxpayers To Close Budget Overspending?

In politics, it seems like people like to put "labels" on things to make them appear to be other than what they are… The latest attempt to "linquistically twist" reality is one that is commonly used by the left, and was recently used by the state’s Legislative Analyst, and now, apparently, by Arnold Schwarzenegger.

The phrase that is being used is "closing a tax loophole" — but when put through the free translation services available to anyone who understands English, that translates to "raise taxes."

In her proposed "alternative budget" the Legislative Analyst, Elizabeth Hill, proposes increasingly the amount of money that taxpayers are forced to pay into the coffers of state government by BILLIONS of dollars. But never once is this called a tax increase, instead the language "closing tax loopholes" is used.

What Hill refers to as a "loophole" was a specific decision by California lawmakers to either not tax a certain area, or perhaps to give a tax credit in a certain area. Using the phrase "loophole" makes it sound like some sort of technical error… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Deputy Quackenbush On Leave After Shooting Suspect

You remember Chuck Quackenbush, right? He was the California State Insurance Commissioner who resigned his office amidst a developing scandal in his office (one that sent folks to jail). After his resignation, Quackenbush, a wealthy man from his wife’s success in business. Anyways, the Quackenbush family moved first to Honolulu, and then to Florida where, believe it or not, Quackenbush is a Deputy Sheriff. Although, right now, it would be more accurate to say that he is a Deputy Sheriff on administrative leave after shooting a suspect…with an investigation underway. Check out the story in the local Florida paper here.

(H/T to Capitol Alert on this one, and they have more to add.)… Read More

Meredith Turney

McClintock Pull Papers in 4th CD Race

Sources in Placer County are reporting that early this morning Tom McClintock pulled papers for the 4th congressional race. An official announcement from the McClintock for Congress campaign will probably come next week. This congressional race is just starting…… Read More

There’s Nothing Like the Smell of Earmark Reform in the Morning

Rep. John Campbell gets some ink on the issue of earmark reform, noted in Roll Call and The Hill today.

Roll Call chronicles the primary challenge facing presidential candidate Ron Paul, here. (Subscription, unfortunately, required)

Politico looks at the views of the outgoing Government Accountability Office chief, and notes the challenges posed by dramatically increasing social spending.

Bluey has it here over at RedState.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: E-Mail To Supporters Shows McClintock’s Already Running For Congress

In what is the clearest sign yet that conservative icon and FR friend State Senator Tom McClintock is just days away from formally declaring a candidates for the United States House of Representatives, District 4, the Senator has sent out an e-mail to his sizable list of supporters, entitled "Potential Campaign for Congress" in which he shares with his team that he is "seriously considering runng" for the seat, announces the formation of an official Congressional Exploratory Committee, and urge folks to make contributions.

My intel gathering tells me that when Tom McClintock gets IN to the race for Congress, that his fellow conservative, Rico Oller, gets OUT (as does also-ran Eric Egland, who has been campaigning for the better part of a year but has failed to gain traction).

The real question will be whether or not wealthy Sacramento business tycoon Doug Ose, a moderate Republican who has announced his candidacy for the same seat, would stay in the race. Recent polling data released shows it would be a long, uphill battle for Ose — especially when you consider that McClintock will be able to raise a considerable amount of money here… Read More