Eminent Domain Reform Foes Lose In Court
The eminent domain reform on this June’s ballot, known as Prop 98, sponsored by the good guys, Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Assn, Calif. Farm Bureau, and Calif Alliance to Protect Private Property Rights, won a victory in the Superior Court of California today according to the folks at the Yes On Prop 98 campaign[www.yesprop98.com]
The tactic of the 98 opponents was to contest the title and summary of 98 to instead label it a rent control measure. This as part of a campaign of hysteria they will no doubt push to try and defeat 98’s true protections from abuse of private propertyrights by eminent domain, along with reforms to oppressionist rent controls.
The opponents of 98instead seek to pass Prop 99, a watered down measure that protects little but the rights of land grabbers to continue to grab homes, farms and small businesses for their own private development uses as they can and do now.
With these charges rejected by the court, it’s full speed ahead for Prop 98 Eminent Domain Reform on the June ballot. Congrats to the Yes On 98 team on this important step.… Read More