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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jon Coupal: Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association shares some OUTSTANDING NEWS with FlashReport readers this Sunday morning… Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Court finds No Merit to Opposition Arguments and Confirms that Primary Purpose of Proposition 98 is Eminent Domain Reform

On Friday, proponents of private property rights such as the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Farm Bureau Federation and a coalition of business and faith based groups were awarded a great victory in California’s State Superior Court.

For the past few monthsRead More

Barry Jantz

Breaking News: Shocker in San Diego Unified


Politics 101, Rule #1 for Candidates: Make sure you qualify for the ballot.

If you don’t follow Rule #1, everything else is moot. Forget about passing Go and collecting $200 — you don’t get to start. Heck, you don’t even get to roll the dice to decide who starts.

It would be somewhat understandable if a newbie candidate with dreams, high hopes, great plans and maybe even a ton of raised cash makes the mistake of not following Rule #1, while focused too much on the other rules, none of which are as determinant as the first. But, a political veteran? An incumbent? And, one seated on a high-profile, polarized, and often contentious school board, with possible 3-2 votes in the balance, potentially including even the tenure of the superintendant? What are the chances?

Sorry to back into this, but the tone is essential…

In a campaign shocker, incumbent San Diego Unified School District TrusteeLuis Acle has failed to qualify for the ballot. He didn’t turn in enough valid signatures,forcing himself into lame duck statusand retirement at the end of the year According to the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jon Coupal: Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association shares some OUTSTANDING NEWS with FlashReport readers this Sunday morning… Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Court finds No Merit to Opposition Arguments and Confirms that Primary Purpose of Proposition 98 is Eminent Domain Reform

On Friday, proponents of private property rights such as the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Farm Bureau Federation and a coalition of business and faith based groups were awarded a great victory in California’s State Superior Court.

For the past few monthsRead More

Jim Battin

Mary Battin – Woman of the Year

Every year my staff and I sit down and decide who to select for the legislature’s "37th Senate District Woman of the Year". It’s normally quite a process.

This year my staff was adamant. They all demanded I select my wife Mary.

Now knowing Mary, I knew she would never allow me to choose her – so I told my staff if they could talk her into it, then I’d do it. They called herand ganged up on her. Theywouldn’t take "no" for an answer (which is what she said at first).

I thank my wonderful staff for persuading my reluctant wife.

She really does deserve it.


Matt Rexroad

Assemblyman Smyth: Helping make US Marines

Excellent work by Assemblyman Smyth for authoring AB 2238. Semper Fidelis.

If this Commissioner ever applies to be a Judge — we need to make sure to get every military organization in the state to voice an objection. I find her comments pathetic.

At least over time Sage was smart enough to figure out he did not want to be in the Air Force or the Navy.

From the LA Daily News —

Anti-war judge rejects foster teen’s bid to join military

By Dana Bartholomew, Staff Writer Article Last Updated: 03/07/2008 07:16:45 AM PST

SIMI VALLEY – Shawn Sage long dreamed of joining the military, and watching "Full Metal Jacket" last year really sold him on becoming a Marine.

But last fall, a Los Angeles Superior Court commissioner dashed the foster teen’s hopes of early enlistment for Marine sniper duty, plus a potential $10,000 signing bonus.

In denying the Royal High School student delayed entry into the Marine Corps, Children’s Court… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: A Day And Night in Riverside County — Bogh, Benoit Ping Pong

I spent most of yesterday out in Riverside County. It was quite the day, and evening, and quite Republican! Mid-day, I was the lunchtime speaker for the monthly meeting of the Lincoln Club of Palm Springs. This is a great organization headed up by Coachella uber-activist Kim Glassman. She and her crew of volunteer leaders have put together a vibrant and effective Lincoln Club that is very involved in helping to elect Republicans at every level in their area. This was my second time at one of their meetings, and I really enjoyed myself. I spoke about how the internet is really changing the way politics works, and was able to share some great stories about the impact of this website for examples! On hand at the event were State Senator Jim Battin (FR’s 2007 Senator of the Year – and writer for this website), Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, FR friend Marc Troast representing Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack, Riverside County GOP Chairman Bob Richmond (along with County Party Executive… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Day And Night in Riverside County — Bogh, Benoit Ping Pong

I spent most of yesterday out in Riverside County. It was quite the day, and evening, and quite Republican! Mid-day, I was the lunchtime speaker for the monthly meeting of the Lincoln Club of Palm Springs. This is a great organization headed up by Coachella uber-activist Kim Glassman. She and her crew of volunteer leaders have put together a vibrant and effective Lincoln Club that is very involved in helping to elect Republicans at every level in their area. This was my second time at one of their meetings, and I really enjoyed myself. I spoke about how the internet is really changing the way politics works, and was able to share some great stories about the impact of this website for examples! On hand at the event were State Senator Jim Battin (FR’s 2007 Senator of the Year – and writer for this website), Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia, FR friend Marc Troast representing Congresswoman Mary Bono Mack, Riverside County GOP Chairman Bob Richmond (along with County Party Executive… Read More

Duane Dichiara

Democrats at War in AD78

From "Mr. Murphy" over Red County San Diego a few minutes ago:

"I hear Maxine Sherrard, Democrat nominee in 2006 in the 78th Assembly District, filed today. Not to sound like a teenage girl, but ‘it’s on’. The candidates are Ricassa (a Filipina who is probably the most electable but who has no track record of raising money), Block (a white liberal’s liberal, with some serious baggage), Arabo (raised a good deal of money but even though he is leaping to the left of the left, I don’t see a former aide to Congressman Brian Bilbray getting out of a Democrat primary), and Sherrard. Look for a nasty race. It’s not just that these candidates all represent very different segments of their party, but that they all actually dislike each other from what I can tell. This was the best chance in the state for a Democrat pick-up, but by letting these candidates race to the left for the last several months I just don’t see it happening."

I would add that no Republican filed against GOP nominee John McCann.… Read More