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Meredith Turney

Clock Ticking for Important Initiatives

I just returned from San Diego, where I spent the afternoon assisting with Roger Hedgcock’s special “drive-by” radio show. The radio program focused on two initiatives that are trying to qualify for the November ballot: Protect Marriage and Sarah’s Law. With just a few weeks to go before the petition deadlines, there is a statewide push to gather the hundreds of thousands of signatures needed.

Protect Marriage is the initiative that will place Proposition 22 in the constitution, thus ensuring that the will of the people is honored in defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Sarah’s Law is the initiative that will require parental notification prior to a minor’s abortion. Both initiatives are key not only for strengthening parental rights and the sanctity of marriage, but from a political standpoint, these are issues that will draw the Republican base to the polls in November. The Save Our Kids campaign to overturn SB 777 was also present (thus my involvement), handing out flyers to alert citizens that initiative petitions will be on the street in early… Read More

San Bernardino County State Legislative Primaries All Set

Here is a bird’s-eye view of upcoming electoral contests in San Bernardino County

Of all the action in San Bernardino County this upcoming election primary season, three open state legislative contests are the focus of intense competition in the Republican party primary, while a trio of Democrats will duke it out for an open Democratic-held Assembly seat.

First, an overview of competitive Republican primaries.

SD 29: This seat, held by departing incumbent GOPer Bob Margett is the site of a two-way contest between Assemblymember Bob Huff (AD 60) and former Assemblymember Dennis Mountjoy (AD 59). Huff, who has garnered the lion’s share of endorsements, has shot to a lopsided advantage in fundraising for this heavily-Republican seat. The often colorful Mountjoy is counting on name recognition (as a lawmaker, his father represented similar legislative territory from 1978-2000) and steadfast support from social conservatives to propel him to victory. Huff, who is more mild-mannered than his opponent, nonetheless is a tenacious campaigner who has been campaigning for some time now. The winner of this race will take the seat in the Fall.… Read More

I Met Earl Greif Last Night

I met Earl Greif last night, and I felt the Holocaust. I have been to several Holocaust museums across our country, even to the one in Israel a few times, when I led some excursions to the Holy Land. But I never really felt the Holocaust.

Then I spent an hour withEarl last night. Earl Greif was sent to a starvation camp in Poland during World War II with his parents, his brother, Lou, and his baby sister. In April of 1943, the Nazi Gestapo began clearing out the camp, preparing to move on. They shot his sister and parents in a ditch along with hundreds of other prisoners.

Sixteen year-old Earl and ten year-old Lou crawled unnoticed into an oven, and hid through the day and night. They crawled out when things were quiet and escaped into the surrounding forest, where they lived for the next four months, surviving on berries, mushrooms and bird eggs. They were frightened to emerge because they thought the Nazi’s might still be around.

In the fall, the chilling onset of winter forced them to move on, so they split up and each got work on a farm, pretending not to know each other. In 1947, the brothers came… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

A Wetlands Quiz

Which one of these is a wetland?:

This one…

Or this one…

If you picked the top photo, you’d only be half-right. The correct answer is they are both wetlands.

The second picture is of a vacant lot next to the parking lot at Sunset Harbour Marina in Orange County. When no one was paying attention, some hydrophytic vegetation crept in and the California Coastal Commission — the same folks who’d have you believe completing the 241 toll road in OC would destroy the environment — subsequently declared this to be a wetland, and therefore to be protected.

There’s even a sprinkler system installed to prevent Mother Nature from changing her mind and reclaiming it as a dryland. Call it a Brezhnev Doctrine for wetlands.

I posted on this absurdity in more detail on Red… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

OC’s Top 40 Influential Politicos

My fellow FR blogger Adam Probolsky and I today aired the first in a planned series of Red County Radio segments discussing the Red County’s recently published list: Orange County’s Top 40 Most Influential Politicos.

Adam and I covered the six listees today:

Curt Pringle

Scott Baugh

Lucy Dunn

Paul Folino

Orange County Register

Supervisor Bill Campbell

You can read the entire list on OC Blog or in the digital edition of the new Red County magazine.

And in case you are wondering, FR’s own Jon Fleischman made the list.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Lucky Letters? SOS Pulls Random Alphabet To Determine Ballot Order

The Secretary of State pulled conducted the random drawing of letters to determine ballot order, which can give a little "bump" to the first person (isn’t that sad?).

Here is the order: H, E, A, N, O, V, P, J, U, L, S, M, X, B, C, T, I, K, R, Q, D, Y, F, W, G, Z.

Seems like good news for these GOP candidates whose last name begins with an "H" — a little lift for their primary? Paul Hegyi, Sue Horne, Diane Harkey, Gabriella Holt, Curt Hagman, Bob Huff, and Duncan D. Hunter

Oh yeah, if candidates have the same first letter in their last name, apply this list to the second letter, and so on. For example, John BEnoit will be listed above Russ BOgh because "E" comes before "O" in the draw.Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Floor Debate Excerpts from the Oil Tax Hike Proposal

Courtesy of FR friend Eric Reslock’s new website, CalClip TV, here is some footage he pieced together from last night’s floor debate in the Assembly on increasing oil taxes. Unfortunately Eric left the temper tantrum of Fabian Nunez for the very end… … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Republicans Save Californians From Higher Gas Prices

Last night, Speaker Fabian “Louis Vuitton” Nunez convened a rare Wednesday session of the Assembly to debate their plan to raise taxes on oil production in California, which would have raised gas prices at a time when Californians are paying record prices. Democrats all but admitted that this was not a serious exercise, but just a public relations stunt to try to position themselves as “white knights” riding into to save the day from “evil Republican budget cutters.”

Democrat after Democrat rose to blame oil companies for “not paying their fair share” to the state as the reason why teachers were receiving layoff notices this month. Others bemoaned the fact that Californians received modest tax relief in recent years, blaming the repeal of the Gray Davis’ illegal car tax increase for the state’s current budget woes. They even said with a straight face that Californians have endured “heartless” budget cuts over the past four years and said they would refuse to support a budget this year that takes responsible steps to reduce spending. Perhaps we should remind them that revenue in California increased 40 percent over the past four… Read More