Clock Ticking for Important Initiatives
I just returned from San Diego, where I spent the afternoon assisting with Roger Hedgcock’s special “drive-by” radio show. The radio program focused on two initiatives that are trying to qualify for the November ballot: Protect Marriage and Sarah’s Law. With just a few weeks to go before the petition deadlines, there is a statewide push to gather the hundreds of thousands of signatures needed.
Protect Marriage is the initiative that will place Proposition 22 in the constitution, thus ensuring that the will of the people is honored in defining marriage as between one man and one woman. Sarah’s Law is the initiative that will require parental notification prior to a minor’s abortion. Both initiatives are key not only for strengthening parental rights and the sanctity of marriage, but from a political standpoint, these are issues that will draw the Republican base to the polls in November. The Save Our Kids campaign to overturn SB 777 was also present (thus my involvement), handing out flyers to alert citizens that initiative petitions will be on the street in early… Read More