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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Tales of the Unbelievable: IRS to spend $42 mil to tell Americans their rebate is in the mail…

I’ve already editorialized plenty on the blog site about how lame and ill-advised I think the President’s "Economic Stimulus" package was — the idea that we are shipping out well over a hundred billion dollars in one-time mini-checks to Americans (whether they pay taxes or not — can you say "welfare") and that this is going to somehow "meaningfully stimulate" the economy is absurd.

That said, you’ve LOVE this. Now its been reported that the Internal Revenue Service is spending a whopping $48.1 million bucks to send a "your check is on the way" mailing to 130 million American households. Earth to President Bush, why don’t you pick up the phone and call the I.R.S.? Instead of sending out a "your check is coming" mailing, why don’t you just include a "here is your stupid check" letter IN with the checks?

It does boggle the mind how a REPUBLICAN President, with many votes from REPUBLICAN members of Congress, can support a wealth redistribution scheme that sends BILLIONS of dollars in… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tales of the Unbelievable: IRS to spend $42 mil to tell Americans their rebate is in the mail…

I’ve already editorialized plenty on the blog site about how lame and ill-advised I think the President’s "Economic Stimulus" package was — the idea that we are shipping out well over a hundred billion dollars in one-time mini-checks to Americans (whether they pay taxes or not — can you say "welfare") and that this is going to somehow "meaningfully stimulate" the economy is absurd.

That said, you’ve LOVE this. Now its been reported that the Internal Revenue Service is spending a whopping $48.1 million bucks to send a "your check is on the way" mailing to 130 million American households. Earth to President Bush, why don’t you pick up the phone and call the I.R.S.? Instead of sending out a "your check is coming" mailing, why don’t you just include a "here is your stupid check" letter IN with the checks?

It does boggle the mind how a REPUBLICAN President, with many votes from REPUBLICAN members of Congress, can support a wealth redistribution scheme that sends BILLIONS of dollars in… Read More

Jim Battin

Climate Crisis

Global warming continues. (click through to see the latest)

When will we learn. What will we do….… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Saturday Night Live Hits Barack Obama Hard – LOL

This is definately worth five minutes of your time. The folk at Saturday Night Live really take off the gloves on Barack Obama… LOL! … Read More

Tab Berg

Nasty start to Sac Mayor’s race…

Sacramento’s usually tame political terrain is starting to bump.

Incumbent Sacramento Mayor Heather Fargo – a listless, soporific official, who’s done little despite numerous opportunities to lead – is being challenged by former NBA star Kevin Johnson.

I’m usually not a fan a celebrity candidates, often little more than empty suits in search of the limelight who end up rudderless bureau-officials understanding the process, but not the purpose, of government.

That’s not the case withRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jon Coupal: Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association shares some OUTSTANDING NEWS with FlashReport readers this Sunday morning… Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Court finds No Merit to Opposition Arguments and Confirms that Primary Purpose of Proposition 98 is Eminent Domain Reform

On Friday, proponents of private property rights such as the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Farm Bureau Federation and a coalition of business and faith based groups were awarded a great victory in California’s State Superior Court.

For the past few monthsRead More

Barry Jantz

Breaking News: Shocker in San Diego Unified


Politics 101, Rule #1 for Candidates: Make sure you qualify for the ballot.

If you don’t follow Rule #1, everything else is moot. Forget about passing Go and collecting $200 — you don’t get to start. Heck, you don’t even get to roll the dice to decide who starts.

It would be somewhat understandable if a newbie candidate with dreams, high hopes, great plans and maybe even a ton of raised cash makes the mistake of not following Rule #1, while focused too much on the other rules, none of which are as determinant as the first. But, a political veteran? An incumbent? And, one seated on a high-profile, polarized, and often contentious school board, with possible 3-2 votes in the balance, potentially including even the tenure of the superintendant? What are the chances?

Sorry to back into this, but the tone is essential…

In a campaign shocker, incumbent San Diego Unified School District TrusteeLuis Acle has failed to qualify for the ballot. He didn’t turn in enough valid signatures,forcing himself into lame duck statusand retirement at the end of the year According to the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Jon Coupal: Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Jon Coupal, President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association shares some OUTSTANDING NEWS with FlashReport readers this Sunday morning… Prop. 98 – State Superior Court Rules in Favor of California Property Owners

Court finds No Merit to Opposition Arguments and Confirms that Primary Purpose of Proposition 98 is Eminent Domain Reform

On Friday, proponents of private property rights such as the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, the California Farm Bureau Federation and a coalition of business and faith based groups were awarded a great victory in California’s State Superior Court.

For the past few monthsRead More