Inside the Beltway News: Tuesday
(Note: the Washington Post and Roll Call may require subscription registration to access some content).
The Supremes take up the delightfully named "fleeting expletive" rule this week along with the District of Columbia handgun ban. Some interesting inside-baseball coverage of one side from the Post, today.
The NRCC can’t catch a break in coverage of the ongoing financial mess at the House campaign committee. While the props are due to Texas Congressman Mike Conaway (an accountant by trade), I’ve heard from one or two people that the bigger problem is that audits were faked and when Conaway asked not just to see audit files but to speak with auditors themselves, the gig was up. It appears the mess is on the mend. From today’s Politico, a look at next steps and work with the Federal Election Commission. Here is the Washington Post’s… Read More