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Mike Spence

Did your School Board vote to support tax increases?

West Covina Unified did by a vote of 3-2. Although we have 5 Republicans on the board three (Jessica Shewmaker, George Fuller and Camie Poulos) voted to rubberstamp a resolution sponsored by the California School Boards Association. As you look at the resolution model, you will notice that there is no call for streamlining regulation, eliminating waste or even making sure money gets to the classroom just “new revenue sources”.

We all know that is the code word for tax increases. And there is a long list of them out there.

You also won’t find any linkage of the money with student achievement.

The Governor’s budget is a mess. Changes have to be made. The California Performance Review is a place to start, but more taxes won’t solve our problems.

In my early years on the board, the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Breakfast with Dino Rossi – No Commentary

This morning the "elves" are taking care of the main news page as I am off to a breakfast event here in Orange County with special featured guest Dino Rossi (pictured). Rossi, some FR readers will recall, was the GOP candidate for Governor in Washington State a few years ago who basically had the election stolen from him. The counts and recounts when on for many weeks after the election… Rossi is back in the fray, once again running for Governor — with a very good chance this go around.

You can read more about Rossi in this exclusive column he penned for the FlashReport which ran over the holidays, or check out his website here.

There will be no "commentary" from me this morning as I, like you, will be reading the FlashReport when I get a chance today! Trust you had a great weekend!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Bill Leonard: State’s Retailers Will Get Clobbered by Perata’s Tax Hike

There are few politicians in California with the expertise in California and how its tax policies impact California and its taxpayers more than State Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard. So I am very pleased to present the following Guest Commentary from Leonard for FR readers:

State’s Retailers Will Get Clobbered by Perata’s Tax Hike By Bill Leonard

Senate President Don Perata (D – Oakland) has thrown down the gauntlet in saying he will hold up the state budget rather than accept the across-the-board cuts the Governor has proposed. It is disheartening to see Perata’s solution is a one-cent increase in the state portion of the sales tax, which by the way is a 16% increase in the tax (6.25% to 7.25%).Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Bill Leonard: State’s Retailers Will Get Clobbered by Perata’s Tax Hike

There are few politicians in California with the expertise in California and how its tax policies impact California and its taxpayers more than State Board of Equalization Member Bill Leonard. So I am very pleased to present the following Guest Commentary from Leonard for FR readers: State’s Retailers Will Get Clobbered by Perata’s Tax Hike By Bill Leonard

Senate President Don Perata (D – Oakland) has thrown down the gauntlet in saying he will hold up the state budget rather than accept the across-the-board cuts the Governor has proposed. It is disheartening to see Perata’s solution is a one-cent increase in the state portion of theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Mimi Walters, Jeff Miller, Diane Harkey all endorsed by CRA!

Almost 300 Republican activists gathered today at the Orange County GOP headquarters for the biennial endorsing convention for the California Republican Assembly chapters in the county.

While endorsements were considered in all races, the attention was on the contested GOP primaries, where a candidate must have a 2/3 vote from the delegates from the units that cover their district.

The results in these "hot" races…

* Assemblywoman Mimi Walters was endorsed in her bid for the 33rd State Senate seat, besting Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu by a vote of 33 to 12 (1 person abstained).

* No one got the needed votes between Chino Hills Mayor Curt Hagman and Larry Dick in AD 60 (there was some drama, with Hagman falling just one vote short on a second ballot…).

* In the race with the most delegates, former Riverside County GOP Chairman and Corona Mayor was endorsed by the CRA on a vote of 48 to 20, despite a strong push to block by opponent Neil Blais. Mayor of Rancho Santa Margarita.

* Facing a last minute "unknown" primary challenge in her bid for the 73rd AD, Dana Point Mayor Diane Harkey was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

John McCain the POW

I found this video to be pretty powerful.

Care to read comments, or make your own about today’s Daily Commentary?

Just click here to go to the FR Weblog, where this Commentary has its own blog post, and where you can read and make comments.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

John McCain the POW

I found this video to be pretty powerful. Read More

Jon Fleischman

AAPC’s in the house!

My personal blogging is low-volume today as I am in the People’s Republic of Santa Monica for the annual convention of the American Association of Political Consultants. I was actually invited by Frank Schubert of California’s Schubert-Flint Public Affairs (Frank is on the AAPC’s Board of Directors) to speak on a panel this morning on the “business of blogging” – which was fun. Frank spoke about budgeting in a business, and also on the panel was political attorney Cary Davidson of Reed & Davidson who spoke about contracts.

Catch you all later, I am going to go mill around all of the cool vendor tables. Look! There’s Vince Monaco!… Read More