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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Steve Baric: The Blanket Primary – Back From The Dead?

[Publisher’s Note: With yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn an Appellate Court decision, and re-instate a draconian open primary scheme passed by Washington State voters a few years back, we turned to California Republican Lawyers Association President Steve Baric, a rising star among respected attorneys who have an expertise in political and elections law, to give us his analysis of the decision. Baric not only makes the case for why this was a poor decision by the Court, but undoubtedly is accurate in his concern that those who brought us Prop. 198 will be back again to attack the fundamental rights of political parties to the Constitutional right to freedom of association… – Flash] REFERENCES: SCOTUS OPINION, SCALIA DISSENT Read More

Jon Fleischman

Steve Baric: The Blanket Primary – Back From The Dead?

[Publisher’s Note: With yesterday’s decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn an Appellate Court decision, and re-instate a draconian open primary scheme passed by Washington State voters a few years back, we turned to California Republican Lawyers Association President Steve Baric, a rising star among respected attorneys who have an expertise in political and elections law, to give us his analysis of the decision. Baric not only makes the case for why this was a poor decision by the Court, but undoubtedly is accurate in his concern that those who brought us Prop. 198 will be back again to attack the fundamental rights of political parties to the Constitutional right to freedom of association… – Flash]


Jon Fleischman

Denham Recall Qualifies

Apparently (h/t to the SacBee) the recall of Republican State Senator Jeff Denham has qualified, and the Governor must now call a special election in the Central Valley State Senate District for 60 – 80 days from now (one would presume that he will consolidate this matter with the June primary, which falls within that window).

FR readers will "recall" that this is a partisan game by Senate President Don Perata who has sour grapes because Senator Denham had the nerve to oppose a budget plan that, frankly… sucked. In retrospect, every State Legislator who voted for that budget last year has to be embarrassed — it committed California to another year of massive overspending that has now come home to roost, with California looking at a budget deficit that is quickly approaching $20 billion!

Well, "game on" to Perata and his flying monkeys as they try to make the case to voters in this Senate seat that their prescient Senator, who did the right thing, should be recalled.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

$350,000 Fine For Senator Migden

Dealing what may be a fatal blow to her re-election this year, the Fair Political Practices Commission has levied at whopping $350,000 fine on Senator Migden for 89 campaign finance violations from 2003 – 2007. Migden, in the re-election fight of her life, needed this like a hole in the head. Never mind the loud sucking sound of precious remaining campaign funds being diverted to pay these fines, the fodder that this ruling will give to her opponents will be devistating. Bu-bye.… Read More

Inside the Beltway News: Tuesday

(Note: the Washington Post and Roll Call may require subscription registration to access some content).

The Supremes take up the delightfully named "fleeting expletive" rule this week along with the District of Columbia handgun ban. Some interesting inside-baseball coverage of one side from the Post, today.

The NRCC can’t catch a break in coverage of the ongoing financial mess at the House campaign committee. While the props are due to Texas Congressman Mike Conaway (an accountant by trade), I’ve heard from one or two people that the bigger problem is that audits were faked and when Conaway asked not just to see audit files but to speak with auditors themselves, the gig was up. It appears the mess is on the mend. From today’s Politico, a look at next steps and work with the Federal Election Commission. Here is the Washington Post’s… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Random Thoughts for a Tuesday

The Riverside Press Enterprise has possibly the worst website of any major California daily (if you don’t believe me, check it out). But they do have some talented political writers, including FR friends Michelle DeArmond and Jim Miller. They along with some other reporters are doing a great new job with their paper’s entry into the blogosphere. Keep an eye on the PE’s Ballot Watch Blog. Over the weekend representatives from the California Republican Assembly units that are in the Fourth Congressional District gathered and endorsed Tom McClintock for Congress. While never to be taken for granted, the CRA is an important endorsement for McClintock. But it was no surprise as it is a two man race between McClintock and moderate GOPer Doug Ose. "Can we afford to pay more taxes? No. But do we have to pay more? Yes, and we will." — Bold words from Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata as reported by Lisa Vorderbrueggen in the Contra Costa Times. If Don Perata … Read More

Jon Fleischman

Random Thoughts for a Tuesday

The Riverside Press Enterprise has possibly the worst website of any major California daily (if you don’t believe me, check it out). But they do have some talented political writers, including FR friends Michelle DeArmond and Jim Miller. They along with some other reporters are doing a great new job with their paper’s entry into the blogosphere. Keep an eye on the PE’s Ballot Watch Blog. Over the weekend representatives from the California Republican Assembly units that are in the Fourth Congressional District gathered and endorsed Tom McClintock for Congress. While never to be taken for granted, the CRA is an important endorsement for McClintock. But it was no surprise as it is a two man race between McClintock and moderate GOPer Doug Ose. "Can we afford to pay more taxes? No. But do we have to pay more? Yes, and we will." — Bold words from Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata as reported by Lisa Vorderbrueggen in the Contra Costa Times. If Don Perata … Read More

Meredith Turney

2008 Legislative Bills—Plastic Bags, Bigoted Nurses and a New State Holiday

Lawmakers are on spring break this week but when they return, they’re going to have hundreds of new bills to consider. As promised, here are some of the highlights and mostly lowlights of the 2008 session thus far…

AB 2058 (Levine), AB 2071 (Karnette) and AB 2829 (Davis). Grocery store plastic bags are going to have a rough year. These three bills either ban or severely regulate them. According to a British newspaper, plastic bags are just the victims of an eco-witch hunt. Next time the grocery store employee asks, “Paper or plastic?” choose plastic—while you still can.

AB 2085 (Huff). While the initiative to overturn of SB 777, the public school multi-sexual indoctrination bill, moves forward, Assemblyman Bob Huff is carrying a bill that will return the education code to its pre-SB 777 state. A companion bill, AB 2086, also authored by Huff, will require parental notification prior to classroom discussions about sexual lifestyles. Passing these bills would be a real victory for parental… Read More