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Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP Leader-Elect Dave Cogdill – Education Begins In The Home

Today we are pleased to offer this guest commentary from our incoming Senate Republican leader (in just a couple of weeks)…

EDUCATION BEGINS IN THE HOME By Senator Dave Cogdill, District 14 Senate Republican Leader-Elect

The very minute a person becomes a parent is the minute in which the education process begins. Parents teach their children how to feed, talk, and walk. We also lay the foundation for our children to learn logic, math, and reading among other things. We teach them basic social skills. These are parents’ responsibilities that last well beyond children’s formal education. However, based on the recent 2nd District Court of Appeals ruling against home schooling, the court seems to be saying that parents cease to be… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Robert Molnar reports on McCain’s Big SF Event Last Night

Longtime FR friend Robert Molnar was on-hand at Senator McCain’s big fundraising event in San Francisco last night. Robert is the trusty right-hand man to Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner. We asked Robert to pen something to fill in FR readers on the event… The San Francisco Ritz Carlton was the scene of Senator John McCain’s most recent California campaign stop last night. Of course it wouldn’t be San Francisco without anti-war protesters, and last night was no exception. A handful of individuals practiced their freedom of speech rights from the sidewalk, flanked by a dozen of San Francisco’s finest. A big thank you to the SFPD for easily managing the group and not allowing them to interrupt the arrival of guests. Interestingly, across the street on a building was a large sign saying "We Love John McCain", which put smiles on faces of arriving guests, and scowls on the faces of the protestors.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Another Democrat Appointed As U.C. Regent By Arnold

The Governor gets thousands of appointments to state boards and commissions, he appoints those who help him run the bureaucracy, he appoints judges.

One rule is an important one to know — not all appointments are created equal.

Being appointed to a County Fair Board is not nearly as weighty as the appointment of an Agency Secretary, or a member of the University of California Board of Regents.

Speaking of the University of California Board of Regents, today the Governor announced the appointment of his long-time friend, business associate and former staffer Bonnie Reiss to an influential and coveted U.C. Regents seat.

Reiss, a liberal Democrat, is not exactly the kind of appointee that I would like to see from my Republican Governor. I guess California’s millions of Republicans weren’t available to serve.

I have heard from many that Reiss is a good person, and very capable. I would just like to see the prominent appointments of Governor Schwarzenegger go to people who actually think that government is too big, and spends too much.

It was Phil Angelides who was supposed to be the one who would appoint Democrats… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senate GOP Leader-Elect Dave Cogdill – Education Begins In The Home

Today we are pleased to offer this guest commentary from our incoming Senate Republican leader (in just a couple of weeks)…

EDUCATION BEGINS IN THE HOME By Senator Dave Cogdill, District 14 Senate Republican Leader-Elect

The very minute a person becomes a parent is the minute in which the education process begins. Parents teach their children how to feed, talk, and walk. We also lay the foundation for our children to learn logic, math, and reading among other things. We teach them basic social skills. These are parents’ responsibilities that last well beyond children’s formal education. However, based on the recent 2nd District Court of Appeals ruling against home schooling, the court seems to be saying that parents cease to be… Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – L.A. Medical Suppliers Bleed Medicare of Millions

Most kids go through a phase where they like to play doctor.They listen to each other’s heartbeat, tap knees, wrap pretend wounds with bandages, and prescribe non-existent medicine. Some medical suppliers in L.A. County have continued that game into adulthood and are playing a wasteful game of doctor. They’ll take your medical supply orders and the Medicare money, but just like the game, the patient won’t receive any actual service.

According to an L.A. Times article (March 3rd), a great number of L.A. medical suppliers gave the opposite of what the doctor ordered: “After a series of surprise inspections in Los Angeles County, Medicare fraud investigators found persistent corruption among equipment suppliers who set up phony offices that billed the government $21 million over one year….” The all too serious $21 million in losses was diagnosed after… Read More

Carl Fogliani

Stanislaus County Supervisor’s Race “Frontrunner” Falters

The open seat on the Stanislaus County Board of Supervisors (currently held by Supervisor Tom Mayfield who is retiring) is one of the more interesting match ups in the Valley this year. The conventional wisdom has been that former longtime Sheriff Les Weidman was a shoo-in for this seat against upstart Vito Chiesa.

Low and behold, local farmer and former Stanislaus Farm Bureau leader Chiesa has surged in this hotly contested race (full disclosure: Chiesa is a client). In the latest finance reports filed through March 17th, Weidman’s fundraising has collapsed. During this period Weidman only raised a paltry $16,500 of which 10K of that was a personal loan. With a cash on hand of $11,732 and plenty of unpaid bills to account for most of that, Weidman’s campaign is struggling into the last two months of the campaign.

Meanwhile, Chiesa has built a grassroots base that is now fully fueled. Chiesa raised $56,400 while banking $46,719 from a donor base that was constantly being told that Weidman had the race in the bag. Should be interesting to see how supportive Weidman’s supporters are now that the aura of invincibility is no… Read More

Meredith Turney

CA Court of Appeal agrees to reconsider homeschooling case

I just received the following alert from Alliance Defense Fund:

Calif. Court of Appeal agrees to reconsider homeschooling caseCourt grants petition for rehearing filed by attorneys with ADF

LOS ANGELES — The California Court of Appeal agreed Wednesday to a request by attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund to reconsider a Feb. 28 decision making most homeschooling a crime in the state.

“Parents have a fundamental right to make educational choices for their children,” said ADF Senior Counsel Gary McCaleb. “Because this ruling impacts all Californians, we believe the case deserves a second look. We look forward to presenting this case for rehearing.”

Ruling against a child enrolled at Sunland Christian School, a private homeschooling program, the California Court of Appeal found, in the case In re: Rachel L., that parents who educate their children at home could be criminally liable under California law

“Another look at this case will help ensure that the fundamental rights of parents… Read More

Tab Berg

*CounterPoint* – Fleischman “misses the Mark” on Nuaimi

Jon – you "missed the Mark" in your scathing commentary on Fontana Mayor Mark Nuaimi. I posted a similar message as a commentary to your post, but I felt strongly enough to revise and post it here.

I have worked with Nuaimi numerous times (including running his campaigns for Mayor), and yes, I am proud to have done so.

Mark originally gained notoriety in a virtually one-man crusade to crack down on widespread prostitution and drug sales along Foothill Boulevard in Fontana – just blocks from schools and playgrounds. His efforts led to a massive crack down and propelled him to the City Council.

Then Mark took on incumbent Democrat Mayor David Eshelman, when no one thought he could win. He won because he showed a real passion and vision for his city. He had the courage to stand up while the polished politicians hid in the back room.

Since then, Mark has been an effective and able Mayor for Fontana – helping develop new leaders; transforming the City Council from a squabbling sandlot to an effective, cohesive body; and bringing a new sense… Read More