Fabian’s Millions
Over at Capitol Weekly, they have a story up about how BIG LABOR passed a resolution demanding that Fabian Nunez give back $4 million to the California Democratic Party (we all know the CDP is a wholly owned subsidiary of the unions). Intepreting statements in the piece, it seems doubtful that Nunez is giving anything back.
But, let’s just say that Nunez would prefer to return the funds back in the form of some of his favorite products.
With their four million bucks, Nunez can buy the labor bosses:
139 bottles of rare Mouton Rothschild french wine ($28,750/bottle). 740 Monogram Motard Firebird hand bags by Louis Vuitton ($5400/purse). 548 Nights in the Belle Etoile Suite at the exclusive Parisian Hotel Meriece ($7300/night).That said, it’s most likely that if the union bosses get anything, it will be 16,339,869 of these.… Read More