Waste Watch – Free Advice To Save LA’s Finances; Will They Listen?
It doesn’t take an economics professor to understand Los Angeles’ (LA) monstrous budget deficit.The math is simple: LA is spending more money than it’s taking in.It does get more difficult, however, when it comes to getting the city to curb spending, consolidate, and focus on bringing in revenue.But, a framework provided by LA’s Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) may give us hope.
The LA Daily News reported (March 20th) that “The Valley Industry and Commerce Association (VICA) released a two-part report [that] detail[s] 50 solutions to help balance the City of Los Angeles’ budget.The report provides solutions for revenue generation as well as a comprehensive set of suggestions to address the current fiscal deficit without raising taxes.” VICA’s report begins with the following: “The city of Los Angeles faces a budget deficit of more than $150 million for the remainder of the fiscal year… Read More