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Jon Fleischman

Perata’s Lack of Ethics Taints Denham Recall Effort – Elections Official Filing Complaint

What’s that smell?

It’s the stink Don Perata’s ethically challenged ways all over the attempt to recall Senator Jeff Denham. We’ve all heard that fable of King Midas who could turn things to gold with a mere touch. Well, here in real life, we have Don Perata, who can turn anything into a smelly quagmire of questionable ethics with his mere involvement.

It seems like forever that Perata has been under the cloud of an FBI probe, which is probably more like an ongoing feeding frenzy as he keeps acting like some dictator with a Nietsche complex (the rules of mere mortals don’t apply to The Don).

In an article in today’s Merced Sun-Star Stephen Jones, the Merced County Registrar of Voters, has said that he will be filing an official complaint after the addresses given many petition gatherers working to qualify the recall were not residents of Merced County. An excerpt from the story…… Read More

Despite Defeat, RJ’s Law Receives National Attention

At the start of the school year, my boss, AssemblymanBenoit, announceda new contest for high-schoolers in Riverside County, called "There Ought To Be A Law." This was a simple idea to promote civic involvement among our students, and it turned out to surpass all of my expectations! First, we were greatly impressed by the more than 200 submissions we received, a commendable effort by young people to be engaged in our State government.

(Caption: Assemblyman John J. Benoit, with RJ’s Law co-author Assemblyman Bill Emmerson, walking out of the Assembly Chambers with RJ Feild)

But one essayRead More

Jon Fleischman


“OSE CAMPAIGN ACCUSED OF VIOLATING FEDERAL ELECTION LAWS” Placer County GOP Files Complaint against Ose for Failing to Disclose Contributions

Roseville— The Placer County Republican Central Committee Thursday filed a formal complaint with the Federal Elections Commission in Washington D.C. alleging that Doug Ose’s Campaign for Congress distributed a direct mail piece that violated federal elections laws.

Ose is running against State Senator Tom McClintock in the Republican Primary for the 4th Congressional District to replace Rep. John Doolittle.

“Placer County Republicans request an immediate investigation,” said Tom Hudson, chairman of the Placer County Republican Central Committee. “We believe that the Ose Campaign engaged in unfair campaign practices and violated federal election laws.”

According to the complaint, the Ose Campaign for Congress recently sent voters a direct mail piece that shows an illustration of opponent Tom McClintock that is both silly and demeaning. The problem for Ose is the so-called ‘creative material’ is identical to the graphic artwork used against McClintock by then-opponent Dean Andal… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Lou Correa’s Quiet Opposition To Completing The 241

You may not know it, but Sen. Lou Correa strongly opposes completing the 241 toll road.

True, it is Rep. Loretta Sanchez is the OC legislator who has garnered the attention — and just criticism — for her efforts to kill the 241 completion: a politically curious position considering the 47th Congressional District isn’t a hot-bed of environmental activism. That strain runs more strongly through affluent districts where residents can afford to be no-growth environmentalists.

Yet Sen. Lou Correa — who represents many of the same union households as Loretta — also opposes completing the 241. He”s just been quiet about it.

During January’s California Coastal Commission hearing on the 241, the various commissioners had to declare their ex parte communications on the issue.

Commissioner Larry Clark described his being lobbied by Sen. Correa:

On the 24th of January, and again on the 4th of February, I received telephone calls from Senator Lou Correa, from the 34th Senatorial District. Senator Correa conveyed this information to me, and position, his strong opposition for the 241 toll

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Mike Spence

The Whales Are Saved: AB 2352 Consumed.

With relief not seen since the climax of Free Willy, fat kids and their parents no longer need to fear being ripped apart like a big bag of potato chips.

AB 2352 authored by Assemblyman Fuentes would have allowed courts to separate parents from their chubby children as a form of child abuse.

Memo to the State Assembly if mockery and shame and singling out the heavyset reduced calorie consumption we would have nothing but skinny kids.

Recently the bill completely changed to one that now deals with the release of confidential mental health records. One outrageous bill gone from the legislative buffet, many more go.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

BREAKING: RNC Rules Committee Adopts Plan That Disses California

The Republican National Committee is meeting as we speak in New Mexico. For some time now (actually for many years) the RNC has been debated how to reform the GOP Presidential nominating process in a way that might make more sense. State GOP Chairman Ron Nehring who is at the meeting just sent over this news:

The RNC’s Rules Committee has reported out a proposal for reforming the presidential nominating schedule for 2012. The “Ohio Plan” sets up a calendar for states to hold their primaries that puts four states first (Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Nevada), followed by a window for 19 small states to vote next. Lastly, the remaining states would vote regionally in three groups, with those three groups rotating in order every four years.

The net effect of the Ohio plan is that large states like California will never be among the first states voting. Under theRead More

Jon Fleischman

Memo to John Benoit – RE: Dems Voting Down AB 2389

Memo Date: April 2, 2008 To: Assemblyman John Benoit From: Jon Fleischman RE: Understanding Liberals I saw that yesterday, on a party-line vote, Assembly Democrats rejected your Assembly Bill 2389 which, put simply, would require that welfare recipients in California must submit to random drug tests, and if they they fail, be enrolled in mandatory treatment, or lose their right to welfare. You are to be commended for bringing forward such a common-sense measure, but I think that we all knew, unfortunately, that it was destined for defeat. It is not a coincidence that Democrats opposed this bill, while your Republican colleagues supported it. You see it goes to one of the basic core differences between the… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Club for Growth Endorses McClintock; Frank Schubert does not!

I’m running out the door — but this just came in over the transom. Given the the Club for Growth is one of the premier organizations in Washington that is battling for fiscal reform and curbing the voracious appetite, present in both political parties, for pork barrel spending, I wanted to pass this along ASAP…

Also, BELOW the Club for Growth release, I have excerpted the opening paragraphs of some hard-hitting commentary from Frank Schubert (of Schubert-Flint Public Affairs), a resident of CD-4 who hits Tom McClintock pretty hard and makes the case for why he believes Doug Ose, and Tom McClintock should be his Congressman…

Club for Growth PAC Endorses Tom McClintock in CA-4 Washington – Today, the Club for Growth PAC endorsed State Senator Tom McClintock inRead More