Arnold and Same Sex Marriage – Get Me An Aspirin…
The Governor believes that the "people" spoke when they passed Proposition 22, passing a statute saying that marriage shall be defined as being between a man and a woman. I nosed around online, and I couldn’t find any statements during the Governor’s campaign indicated how he personally voted on Prop. 22. Proposition 22 is currently before the California Supreme Court — some believe the Court will find that the statute in unconstitutional. Proponents of preservation of the traditional family are now qualifying a "new version" of Prop. 22 that itself a Constitutional Amendment, thus it would trump any notion that the language in it was unconstitutional. The Governor apparently feels that because the "people have spoken" in passing Prop. 22 that he is duty-bound to be its champion… Unless and until it is struck down. What does that mean that the Governor is doing? The Governor involved in the legal dispute before the California Supreme Court, on behalf of upholding Proposition 22. The Governor has also vetoed (twice now) legislation codifying same-sex … Read More