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Jim Battin

Today’s Commentary: My Friend Dave Cogdill – Republican Leader

[Publisher’s Note: FR State Capitol Correspondent Jim Battin serves as a colleague in the State Senate with Dave Cogdill, the new Senate Republican Leader. In our continuing effort to help FR readers around the state (and nation) gain some insights into Cogdill as he begins his new challenge, we asked Battin if he would draw on some personal thoughts and observations… Which he has done in aces! I found this interesting and I hope you do, too! – Flash]

First and foremost, Dave Cogdill is my friend.He also happens to be the new Senate Republican Leader.He’s a man that I enjoy spending time with and discussing the trials that face California.We frequently do that while smoking cigars.It’s not really so secret, but the Hyatt Hotel across the street from the Capitol Building has a great patio and fire pit where we frequently retreat to the patio to discuss the day’s legislative activities, or to unwind from a busy committee schedule.… Read More

Jim Battin

My Friend Dave Cogdill – Republican Leader

[Publisher’s Note: FR State Capitol Correspondent Jim Battin serves as a colleague in the State Senate with Dave Cogdill, the new Senate Republican Leader. In our continuing effort to help FR readers around the state (and nation) gain some insights into Cogdill as he begins his new challenge, we asked Battin if he would draw on some personal thoughts and observations… Which he has done in aces! I found this interesting and I hope you do, too! – Flash] First and foremost, Dave Cogdill is my friend.He also happens to be the new Senate Republican Leader.He’s a man that I enjoy spending time with and discussing the trials that face California.We frequently do that while smoking cigars.It’s not really so secret, but the Hyatt Hotel across the street from the Capitol Building has a great patio and fire pit where we frequently retreat to the patio to discuss the day’s legislative activities, or to unwind from a busy committee … Read More

Matt Rexroad

Tax Day: Time for a National Sales Tax

Every April 15th as people hustle trying to get their taxes turned in I am reminded why I dislike income tax and would prefer a national sales tax. It would be less costly to administer, it would allow more people to participate in the funding of our government, and it would reward the saving of money.

Today is the end of a strong annual run for the tax preparation industry. Billions of dollars are wasted every year in the preparation of tax documents, spending on tax attorneys, and funding the IRS. Large portions of this would be eliminated under a national sales tax.

Today, millions of people that are in our country illegally only pay sales tax. The don’t pay income taxes. Some people that are here legally also don’t participate. That cost us all money. These people would be less likely to miss the honor of funding our government with a national sales tax.

Finally, tax policy influences behavior. Even liberals believe that sometimes. Why are we punishing those people that are earning money? We are sending the wrong message. We should encourage work and productivity by not taxing it. We should make people pay taxes when they… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Tax Day Pain

We here at the international headquarters of the FlashReport just participated in the Great 2008 Income Tax Cashectomy. Very painful. This annual yucky process serves as a reminder is that government is too big, and the tax burden on Americans too high.

Oh, to commemorate Tax Day, the internet is down here. So sorry for the light day on blogging.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Assembly Republican Leader Michael Villines: Leading A United Republican Team

Today Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman will voluntary step aside from his leadership post as his duly-elected successor, Senator Dave Cogdill, becomes the new leader of Senate Republicans. We reached out to Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, and asked if he would pen something for FR readers on this special occasion… – Flash

Today, my friend and colleague, Senator Dave Cogdill, officially becomes the new Republican Leader of the California State Senate. I look forward to working with Senator Cogdill to promote common-sense Republican solutions to build a stronger California.

While there will be a new Senate Republican Leader sitting along side me during the upcoming Big 5 negotiations, the priorities of Republicans remain unchanged.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Assembly Republican Leader Michael Villines: Leading A United Republican Team

Today Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman will voluntary step aside from his leadership post as his duly-elected successor, Senator Dave Cogdill, becomes the new leader of Senate Republicans. We reached out to Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, and asked if he would pen something for FR readers on this special occasion… – Flash

Today, my friend and colleague, Senator Dave Cogdill, officially becomes the new Republican Leader of the California State Senate. I look forward to working with Senator Cogdill to promote common-sense Republican solutions to build a stronger California.

While there will be a new Senate Republican Leader sitting along side me during the upcoming Big 5 negotiations, the priorities of Republicans remain unchanged.

AssemblyRead More

Meredith Turney

CD 4 Race Ads Filling Airwaves and Mailboxes

With less than 8 weeks to go before the June Primary, the 4th CD race is heating up. Doug Ose’s campaign has TV and radio ads in heavy rotation on the airwaves. And it seems that every day the mailbox contains another mail piece attacking Tom McClintock for “carpet bagging” into the district. The carpet bagger red herring must be polling well for the Ose campaign because that is the message being drummed into voters’ heads. It is very ironic that Ose would focus on this particular campaign tactic when he isn’t a resident of the district either. A Sac Bee weekend article reported on that aspect of the campaign.

Last Monday I heard my first radio ad for the McClintock campaign on a local talk show station. The spot features Placer County Republican Party Chairman Tom Hudson encouraging voters to support McClintock and not vote for another liberal tax-and-spender like Ose. Both Ose’s and McClintock’s radio ads are in heavy rotation on local FM/AM radio.

Recently it was announced that Ose has dumped so much of his own cash into the race ($1.4 million) that he triggered the “millionaire… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Arnold and Same Sex Marriage – Get Me An Aspirin…

The Governor believes that the "people" spoke when they passed Proposition 22, passing a statute saying that marriage shall be defined as being between a man and a woman. I nosed around online, and I couldn’t find any statements during the Governor’s campaign indicated how he personally voted on Prop. 22. Proposition 22 is currently before the California Supreme Court — some believe the Court will find that the statute in unconstitutional. Proponents of preservation of the traditional family are now qualifying a "new version" of Prop. 22 that itself a Constitutional Amendment, thus it would trump any notion that the language in it was unconstitutional. The Governor apparently feels that because the "people have spoken" in passing Prop. 22 that he is duty-bound to be its champion… Unless and until it is struck down. What does that mean that the Governor is doing? The Governor involved in the legal dispute before the California Supreme Court, on behalf of upholding Proposition 22. The Governor has also vetoed (twice now) legislation codifying same-sex … Read More