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Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund: The Pope of California

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail:

The Pope of California

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Jon Fleischman

Public Unions are Public Enemy #1

Late last month, a federal judge ordered the state’s largest public employee union, Service Employees International Union Local 1000, to repay as many as 28,000 non-union state workers, who were not given a change to challenge the union’s 2005 dues increase to fight the Governor’s slate of reform measures (the unions were not excited by the measures which, if they had passed, would have averted the fiscal crisis we find ourselves in today).

It’s a bit convoluted, the process by which non-union members can get stiffed with a union fee, but the real issue here is that this decision by Judge Morrisson England, is so after-the-fact so as to be almost laughable if it wasn’t tragic. Yeah, it’s morally right that the SEIU thug-bosses have to go back (under the Judge’s orders) and ask these state employees if they object to the assessment, and if so, refund them each around $135 plus interest.

But the point is that the damage is done.

We caught up with Lew Uhler, President of the National Tax Limitation Committee. We sought… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Public Unions are Public Enemy #1

Late last month, a federal judge ordered the state’s largest public employee union, Service Employees International Union Local 1000, to repay as many as 28,000 non-union state workers, who were not given a change to challenge the union’s 2005 dues increase to fight the Governor’s slate of reform measures (the unions were not excited by the measures which, if they had passed, would have averted the fiscal crisis we find ourselves in today).

It’s a bit convoluted, the process by which non-union members can get stiffed with a union fee, but the real issue here is that this decision by Judge Morrisson England, is so after-the-fact so as to be almost laughable if it wasn’t tragic. Yeah, it’s morally right that the SEIU thug-bosses have to go back (under the Judge’s orders) and ask these state employees if they object to the assessment, and if so, refund them each around $135 plus interest.

But the point is that the damage is done.

**There is more – click the link**Read More

James V. Lacy

Postcard from Berlin

I am just arrived in Berlin todayfor a round of meetings to advance Mike Reagan’s trip here in early July. Mike will bebroadcasting his daily radio talk show from here. I am also on a secret mission,working on a project for Mike,which, if successful, will also be announced by him on his trip here.

The history of Berlin, particularly the more contemporary history, is both fascinating and heart-breaking. And Berliners really care about it. On a short walk this morning from Potsdamer Platz to Pariser Platz, the enormity of the confrontation between East and West that resulted in the creation in 1961 and destruction in 1989, of the Berlin Wall, is literally pushed into your face.Good for Berlin!

The street I walked along connecting the two traffic circles was itself literally ground zero of the Berlin Wall. At Potsdamer Bahnhof, where I started my walk, amidst a beautiful open-air shopping area, I encountered about 20 yards of the real wall, reconstructed as a monument to that grim time, for all to see. The Berlin Senate includes discriptive signs along with the pieces of the wall, and stories and pictures of its… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Aunt Jenny’s Catering Menu – To Feed Your Appetite For Higher Taxes

The California Republican Party has graciously helped Senator Oropeza and Sacramento Democrats properly index their “Appetite For Higher Taxes.”

In honor of Senator Jenny Oropeza’s SB 1443, which tells caterers what they must do with their leftover food we proudly bring you: Aunt Jenny’s Catering Menu. (See the full size version here.)

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Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Frank Schubert: Caution Assembly Republicans: Following Governor Schwarzenegger Could Be Fatal To Your Career

Longtime FR friend Frank Schubert writes a weekly column on his website, Frank’s Rants. When I read his latest one, I thought it was a perspective definitely worth sharing, and Frank gave me a green light to reprint it, in full, here. A "must read" for every Republican legislator in the Capitol — especially those in the State Assembly – Flash

Caution Assembly Republicans: Following Governor Schwarzenegger Could Be Fatal To Your Career By Frank Schubert

Governor Schwarzenegger is barnstorming the state telling anyone who willRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary – Frank Schubert: Caution Assembly Republicans: Following Governor Schwarzenegger Could Be Fatal To Your Career

Longtime FR friend Frank Schubert writes a weekly column on his website, Frank’s Rants. When I read his latest one, I thought it was a perspective definitely worth sharing, and Frank gave me a green light to reprint it, in full, here. A "must read" for every Republican legislator in the Capitol — especially those in the State Assembly – Flash

Caution Assembly Republicans: Following Governor Schwarzenegger Could Be Fatal To Your Career By Frank Schubert

Governor Schwarzenegger is barnstorming the state telling anyone who willRead More

Congressman Calvert on Lou Dobbs TONIGHT

OC and Riverside Congressman Ken Calvert will appear on CNN with Lou Dobbs tonight at 7pm.

I wonder if Lou will talk about illegal immigration.

Calvert is the author of the Basic Pilot Program that has allowed employers to check and make sure names and social security numbers provided by job applicants match. It has been a great tool in preventing fraud. The program also makes it much easier for employers to identify illegal aliens before they hire.… Read More