Pull your head out
This time of year everyone is getting a little on edge. TV spots are being produced, mail is being designed, money needs to come in, and candidates are flipping out.
I have two things that are really sending me over the edge today.
The first is reporters that call and ask for the biography of my client. This makes me question that value of websites and the reporters ability to type in a google search. They can go just as easily to the candidate website and find the bio as I can — but they ask me to do it. The worst part is that I actually do it for them.
The second is candidate questionnaires. For people working on races this cycle we have filled out hundreds of them. My observation is this — if your organization can’t create an electronic copy to send around you are probably not much of an organization. The questions aren’t some big secret.
I called someone today asking about a questionnaire. The message that I got in return was that the PAC Chair did not use e-mail so the staff could not send me one electronically. If you want to set a rule that you will not… Read More