Today’s Commentary: CA Umployment at 6.2% Time to scale back Global Warming Alarmist Policies…
California’s unemployment rate, which has risen to 6.2%, is now the third highest in the nation (following only behind Michigan and Alaska). This should start some alarm bells ringing in the California State Capitol.
Every legislator, before they vote for any legislation in committee, or on the floor, should be applying a simple litmus test – is this legislation going to create jobs? Will this bill improve our business and job creation climate so that new jobs are created for our unemployed? Will this bill help a small business who is close to closing its doors? If the answers are yes, then the vote should be yes. On the other hand, there are some other questions that can be asked… Would this bill create new regulations or burdens on employers, increasing the likelihood of layoffs or business relocations or closures? Would this bill increase the cost of doing business in California? If the answers to these… Read More