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Jon Fleischman


It is not easy being the minority party, yet that is what Republicans have had to settle with in the State Legislature (with a brief notable capture of the Assembly in the mid-90’s) — and the situation isn’t likely to change soon without real redistricting reform.

So it falls to Republicans to mount a strong contrast effort to make it clear that if we were the majority party, we would take California government in a much different direction than Democrats. To the credit of former Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman (and with great anticipation from his successor) and Assembly Republican Leader Mike Villines, Republicans have by-and-large been doing just that. Right now, there isn’t anyone who doesn’t get the point — Democrats stand for overspending and new taxes, and Republicans stand for spending cuts and no new taxes.

That said, there is one troubling issue taking place in the State Capitol, orchestrated by good ol’ Fabian "Louis Vuitton" Nunez where I have yet to see loud and clear Republican objection (and I am positioned to notice).

The issue is described aptly by Sacramento Bee columnist… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AB 2829, The Plastic Bag Tax — Bad Politics and Bad Policy

It seems like nothing makes a liberal more happy and excited than using the coercive powers of government to modify human behavior. Never mind that our Republic was founded on the notions of individual liberty and personal freedom… Democrats in Sacramento are constantly passing bills (hundreds of them each year) that place restrictions, impose fees, provide incentives – all geared towards shifting decision-making away from the individual, and over to the collective – in this case state government.

This election cycle, liberal Democrat Mike Davis of Los Angeles has introduced a classic case of what I call “social engineering” legislation. His bill, AB 2829 would mandate that every large grocery store or pharmacy charge a 25 cent tax on every plastic bag issued to a customer. Davis doesn’t hide his motive – he wants people to stop using plastic bags, and he is going to try to use the coercive power of the government to achieve his goal.

Of course, even though it would smack each shopper with substantial increased costs, this legislation is not called a “tax… Read More

Barry Jantz


San Diego City Councilman Scott Peters, while running for city attorney, voting for a 24 percent council pay hike and then reversing himself in the wake of public outcry, thus ensuring that his campaign opponents will not only refer to him as an out-of-control tax-and-spender, but now also a flip-flopper…

Proof that attorneys are no smarter than the rest of us.… Read More

Meredith Turney

McClintock Easily Beats Ose in 4th CD Debate

Voters in the 4th Congressional District got their first look at the two contenders for the open seat at a debate in Rocklin this evening. Doug Ose and Tom McClintock faced off in an almost two hour debate. The event, hosted by the Placer County Lincoln Club, was packed with almost 500 people in attendance. Gary Dietrich, political report for local KFBK radio, served as the moderator.

Upon entering the room I noticed that there were lots of people with Ose for Congress stickers on their lapels but as soon as the debate started, it was clear that McClintock was the crowd favorite. Each candidate was given a four minute opening statement with the first turn going to Ose. He immediately launched into his campaign theme of being the only candidate “born and raised in Northern California.”

In his opening statement, McClintock set the tone for the evening by making it clear that this primary race is a battle between two factions in… Read More

Shawn Steel

Today’s Commentary: Jews and Blacks: Bradley Coalition Breakup

A serious firestorm is brewing in greater LA over remarks made by Rev. Eric Lee made in front of Jewish philanthropist Daphna Ziman [Arden Realty] .

On April 4th Ziman was to be honored by receiving the Tom Bradley Distinguished Citizen Award by the black fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi. After Ms. Ziman receive her award for her support of black foster children, she was followed by keynote speaker Rev. Lee.

Tom Bradley a pleasant if ineffective mayor of Los Angeles earmarked a milestone in LA politics by fusing the Jewish westside with Southside blacks into a dominating political force. Bradley was a 30 year cop who came up clean during some sordid years of LAPD before Chief Parker clearned house in the 1950’s. That once optomistic and youthful coalition now lies in tatters. How ironic the recepient of the Bradley award was insulted by an extended irrational anti Semetic attack.

**There is more – click the link**

View Full CommentaryRead More

Shawn Steel

Jews and Blacks: Bradley Coalition Breakup

A serious firestorm is brewing in greater LA over remarks made by Rev. Eric Lee made in front of Jewish philanthropist Daphna Ziman [Arden Realty] .

On April 4th Ziman was to be honored by receiving the Tom Bradley Distinguished Citizen Award by the black fraternity Kappa Alpha Psi. After Ms. Ziman receive her award for her support of black foster children, she was followed by keynote speaker Rev. Lee.

Tom Bradley a pleasant if ineffective mayor of Los Angeles earmarked a milestone in LA politics by fusing the Jewish westside with Southside blacks into a dominating political force. Bradley was a 30 year cop who came up clean during some sordid years of LAPD before Chief Parker clearned house in the 1950’s. That once optomistic and youthful coalition now lies in tatters. How ironic the recepient of the Bradley award was insulted by an extended irrational anti Semetic attack.

Rev. Lee is President of the Greater Los Angeles Southern Christain Leadership Conference, an organization co-founded by Martin Luther King. Soon after Lee thanked Jesus for the Obama candidacy, he launched into an extended rant againsty Jews.

Looking directly at Daphna… Read More

Matt Rexroad

Pull your head out

This time of year everyone is getting a little on edge. TV spots are being produced, mail is being designed, money needs to come in, and candidates are flipping out.

I have two things that are really sending me over the edge today.

The first is reporters that call and ask for the biography of my client. This makes me question that value of websites and the reporters ability to type in a google search. They can go just as easily to the candidate website and find the bio as I can — but they ask me to do it. The worst part is that I actually do it for them.

The second is candidate questionnaires. For people working on races this cycle we have filled out hundreds of them. My observation is this — if your organization can’t create an electronic copy to send around you are probably not much of an organization. The questions aren’t some big secret.

I called someone today asking about a questionnaire. The message that I got in return was that the PAC Chair did not use e-mail so the staff could not send me one electronically. If you want to set a rule that you will not… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sometimes Converts Are The Most Passionate

Once upon a time, when now-Congressman Kevin McCarthy was a Young Republican activist, we used to cross swords on some issues. One, in particular, was the Life issue. I was a passionate advocate for the party’s strong stand for the unborn and Kevin… Well, we didn’t agree. Then again, those schooled by moderates like former Congressman Bill Thomas and his moderate minion tended to…do as ordered.

Well, years have gone by now, and to Kevin’s credit, as he has found his own way, he’s moved to the right. Many acknowledge that while he still has some of Thomas’ pragmatic brinksmanship, he’s definately staked out a more principled stand on many issues (for example McCarthys’s been reasonably good on the issue of earmarks, where Thomas was a porker of some skill).

Anyways, I’ve been told that McCarthy will be announced as Chairman of the Platform Committee for this Summer’s RNC Convention… Congratulations! An honor for the Congressman, and for California. All of these years later, it will be Kevin’s job to make sure that the GOP stands tall for the Right to Life of the innocent… Read More