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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: College Republicans Confront Assemblyman Beall Over His Proposed 1500% Tax Hike on Beer

Last week, California College Republican leader Leigh Wolfe led a group of CR activists to the San Jose office of Democrat Assemblyman Jim Beall to protest his legislation which would hike the state’s tax on beer by a staggering 1500%!

Wolfe put together a great video of the event, the highlight of which is clearly is when Assemblyman Beall mingles amongst the protesters and gets into a dialogue with Beall.

Check out the video. I’m sure that Assemblyman Beall is excited that going forward, when you search for videos of him on You Tube will turn up this – his assault on beer drinkers, including college students.

**There is more – click the link**

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Congressman John Campbell

Silencing the Robocall

Robocalls: You may have signed up for the "Do Not Call list" as I have so you don’t get those annoying random sales calls at home. I was the lead co-sponsor of the California Do Not Call legislation when I was in the State Assembly (a copy of that bill signed by Governor Gray Davis is hanging on the wall in my office in DC). But now, here come those really annoying political "robocalls." These are recorded, automatically dialed calls to your house advocating one political position or candidate or another. They come at odd hours. They have the caller ID blocked so you don’t know who’s calling. They often say terrible things about a candidate without identifying who it is that is saying the terrible thing. I used them years ago when the technology was in its infancy. But now they have become so cheap that lots of abusers have entered the field.

So, Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren (D-CA) and I have introduced the Robocall Privacy Act to put some restrictions on this practice. This bill would impose significant sanctions on groups or individuals who: make political robocalls between the hours of 9 p.m. and 8 a.m.; make more… Read More

Mike Spence

Bordonaro, Mettler Lead new CRA Vice-Presidents.

The CRA Held its convention over the weekend in Orange County. One of the few orders of business for the over 150 delegates was electing five Vice-Presidents.

CRA had 10 Vice-Presidents, five elected every year to two year terms.

The top vote getter was former Assemblyman and San Luis Obispo County Assessor Tom Bordonaro. Ken Mettler, a Trustee of the Kern High School District, closely followed him. Rounding out the field, the most qualified and competitive in my recent memory was Dr.Alexia Deligianni, an activist, author and YR Board Member from Orange County as well as current Vice-Presidents Pete Weber and Mike Zimmerman.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Heritage Video: 5 Ways To Lower Gas Prices

Former Congressman Ernest Istook gives a great primer on five ways to lower gas prices. And he doesn’t even include the obvious — which is to lower existing state and federal taxes on gasoline… Enjoy… … Read More

Inside the Beltway News: Tuesday

The Young Guns, an aggressive group of House GOP members lay down the gauntlet for competitive seats, gaining some coverage in The Hill today. The group is led by, among others, Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfield).

Elsewhere in The Hill, Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) points out how ethanol subsidies and other government policies might have led to a "food crisis." Speaking of the Senate, the endorsement tallies have tipped to Sen. Obama, here.

Over in the Politico, Rep. Matsui outlines the democratic majority’s energy reform policy and some tips for living a "greener" life.

As noted by our friends at RedCounty, Rep. Royce has proven not only a great conservative congressman but also a prolific op ed’er with… Read More

Elitist Pig Rocker Roger Waters Litters for Obama

The rock band Pink Floyd used to fly inflated animals over the crowd in the ’70’s during their "Animals" tour.Then they would blow them up. it was a pretty cool effect.

Front man, Roger Waters still is 30 years later. At Coachella Fest this weekend heflew an inflated pig over the crowd that had Obama for President on the bottom of it. How nice.

Unfortunately, the blow up pig wasn’t the only pigto materialize. Roger had asked the officials at the City of Indio and the concert promoter if he could have a plane fly over the concert grounds and dump hundreds of thousands of slips of paper the size of fortune slips in fortune cookies with Obama’s name on them onto the show. The city and the promoter wisely said no.

Well, Roger the pig did it anyway. And he made a mess. The wind was blowing and today people woke up with thousands of tiny slips clogging their pool skimmers, on their front lawns being ground into the grass by their sprinklers, and all over the city streets. It is horrible.

Apparently Obama has found another questionable character to hang out with.

Don’t come back… Read More

Brandon Powers

Governor Redefines Bi-Partisanship Yet Again…

From the OC Register’s Total Buzz blogQuote of the day…

“I sleep with a Democrat every night. If I can do it, legislators can too. I’m not telling them to sleep together. That’s not what I’m saying, but…”… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mark “Joey Suprano” Nuaimi

LOL – This new Mark Nuaimi video was e-mailed to me. It made me miss HBO’s The Supranos. I think the makers of it are poking at the fact that Nauimi, the Mayor of Fontana, boasts that with his strong-handed ways, he has made his city into an amazing place. These "You Tubers" founds some parts of Fontana that aren’t so swell… I’m going to see if I can use my Tivo to find an old episode now… I admit it that if myposts are inspiring others to make videos, I think it is cool! (Pretty soon I will need a Mark Nuaimi page — my first commentary on the "King of Fontana" is here, and here is my second. Also, the first YouTube video I received is here.) … Read More