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Meredith Turney

AB 2808 would Mandate “Green Schools”

On Earth Day, it’s only appropriate to write about some “green” legislation making its way through the legislature.

Assemblywoman Bonnie Garcia has introduced AB 2808, the “Green Schools” bill that would require public and private elementary and secondary schools to use “nontoxic cleaning materials.” According to the bill, cleaning materials include glass cleaner, all purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, and dishwashing liquid and detergent. “Nontoxic cleaning material” is defined as “a biodegradable and environmentally friendly product that is made with natural or naturally derived ingredients and free of ozone-depleting compounds and substances that contribute to air pollution or to the buildup of “greenhouse” gases.”

Last week the bill passed its first policy committee, Assembly Education, 6-1, with three abstentions.

The main supporter for AB 2808 is the… Read More

Inside the Beltway News: Tuesday

Happy Earth Day. In honor of this occasion, I’ll lead the clips today with warm and cuddly stories marking earth day. Politico digs into the House cafeteria composting story with some in-depth coverage. Sen. Boxer has a special "Earth Day" op ed in The Hill today, slamming the Bush Administration / EPA. And Roll Call writes up how environmental groups are going to employ aggressive tactics like those seen in former Rep. Pombo’s seat in 2006. (Remember: Roll Call may require a subscription — with apologies).

Politico also covers the House GOP conference on the issue of earmarks and party turmoil.

All the publications and public interest groups have been covering the lobbying disclosure reports — the verdict: lobbying is good business, generating some $2.7 billion last year. That’s a record.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Prickly Mayor Plays “SimFontana” — But What About Property Rights?

Last month, I penned a column about Mark Nuaimi, who is the elected Mayor of the Inland Empire city of Fontana, and who is also the Assistant City Manager in the nearby city of Colton. The reason for my penning my original piece banging on Nuaimi was an article I read in my morning perusal of stories, in this case one about destruction of city e-mails. It seems that Nuaimi used his Colton e-mail to refer to some Colton residents as “urban idiots” – doh. As I often do when I am struck by someone or something, I did an internet search on this guy. I got a lot back, hence I wrote about him…. Anyways, you can read that column here.

Of course, when I wrote it, I didn’t know that… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Prickly Mayor Plays “SimFontana” — But What About Property Rights?

Last month, I penned a column about Mark Nuaimi, who is the elected Mayor of the Inland Empire city of Fontana, and who is also the Assistant City Manager in the nearby city of Colton. The reason for my penning my original piece banging on Nuaimi was an article I read in my morning perusal of stories, in this case one about destruction of city e-mails. It seems that Nuaimi used his Colton e-mail to refer to some Colton residents as “urban idiots” – doh. As I often do when I am struck by someone or something, I did an internet search on this guy. I got a lot back, hence I wrote about him…. Anyways, you can read that column here.

Of course, when I wrote it, I didn’t know that… Read More

Barry Jantz

Hunter On Radio in CD 52

Listen to it here….… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Us Versus Them

Yesterday I drove out to Palm Desert to help my Aunt and Uncle celebrate their 50th Wedding Anniversary.

One cannot help but notice that Palm Desert has fallen prey to the affliction that strikes many communities this time of year — campaign signs everywhere.

That’s said, I was in a place where there is not just one but two contested Republican state legislative primaries in the offing. Assemblyman John Benoit and former Assemblyman Russ Bogh are duking it out for the State Senate, and Brian Nestande and Kelly McCarty are battling for Benoit’s Assembly seat.

I don’t know that there are “official” slates, but there may as well be. Everywhere you saw a Benoit sign, next to it was a Nestande sign. Everywhere you saw a Bogh sign, you saw a McCarty sign.

As they say, its us versus them. I’ll let you decide if you are with us or with them!… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Mullen wants “bad” students to lose driving privileges…

You really have to wonder what goes through the heads of extreme liberals like California State Assemblyman Gene Mullen, who was selected by Speaker Fabian Nunez as Chairman of the Education Committee. The San Francisco Democrat is carrying legislation that would tie a high school students “privilege” to drive a car to their performance in school.

Earth to Assemblyman Mullen: This is AMERICA. In this country, we believe in liberty and freedom. To be more specific, your legislation goes down the path of taking responsibility away from parents for the behavior of their children, and instead presumes that the “state” has the role of manipulating student behavior.

Look, I understand that Mullen is from San Francisco, which in many respects is a laboratory of left wing loony-ism. But hopefully Mullen understands that his proposed legislation is the kind of thing we would have expected in the old Soviet Union.

When we refer to the… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Today’s Commentary: Lions, Tigers, and Bears

Lions and Tigers and Bears: I am an animal person. Some of you may already know that. I have owned or sheltered or studied all manner of God’s creatures. And I have always been disgusted by cruelty towards animals and the senseless killing of them. So, I am the lead sponsor (along with Raul Grijalva, D-AZ) of the Bear Protection Act. All manner of bears in America have been poached in order to have their gall bladders used for ritual worship in some eastern cultures. The poachers will kill the bear simply for this particular organ, and just leave the rest of it there. The Bear Protection Act would make it a crime to transport certain bear organs across state lines. 33 states already have laws against this practice and this would align federal law and close a loophole through which the poachers continue to slaughter these noble creatures. For you hunters out there, this does not restrict legal hunting in any way. I hope we can get this bill through the House in the next few months. I will keep you posted.

**There is more – click theRead More