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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Gay GOP Group Endorsements – What Are Their Criteria?

The California Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans has made their endorsements in GOP primaries for State Legislature, and they are raising some eyebrows…

First and foremost, straight (if I may use that word in a post about gay Republicans) off of the Log Cabin website is this statement under “Why We Exist”

Log Cabin Republicans work to make the Republican Party more inclusive, particularly on gay and lesbian issues. Equality will be impossible to achieve without Republican votes. Working from inside the Party—educating other Republicans about gay and lesbian issues—is the most effective way to gain new Republican allies for equality. Log Cabin also exists as a voice for GOP values among members of the gay andlesbian community.

Great – we get it. And to the credit of California Log Cabin Director James Vaughn, he and his organization are virtual Energizer Bunnies when it comes to pushing the gay and lesbian agenda within the GOP.

So when Vaughn’s Log Cabin… Read More

James V. Lacy

Expose Obama

Check out www.exposeobama.comfor a whole lot of information on the Senator from Illinois.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Unions Drop $750K Into Perata’s Recall Attempt of Denham

It is well known statewide that the recall attempt currently taking place against State Senator Jeff Denham is political gamesmanship being driven and promoted by lame-duck outgoing Senate President Pro-Tem Don “The Golden Pig” Perata. Why is he so intent on pushing this recall (besides the big bucks allegedly involved for his girlfriend)? Well, can you count to THREE?

1) Perata has sour grapes because Proposition 93 failed, with help from Jeff Denham, and it means Perata has to retire this year. The naked power-grab to weaken term-limits was rejected by California voters.

2) Perata has the maturity of a four-year-old, and Denham has been too often willing to criticize the thin-skinned liberal Senate President.

3) This year’s state budget. Last year, Denham was very high-profile in his leadership within the Senate Republican Caucus in opposing the bloated budget that was being pushed by Governor Schwarzenegger and legislative Democrats.… Read More

The Assembly Hillbillies

"Come and listen to a story about a man named Mike A poor pachyderm, trying to stop a tax hike, Then one day he was in a budget feud, And down from the Guv comes a comment so rude. Elitist that is, against small towns, average folk."

Yesterday, Governor Schwarzenegger speaking to the nonprofit Milken Institute portrayed small-town lawmakers as uncultured yokels by explaining that they needed special interest junkets in order to see “an airport” or “highway” for the first time. I realize term limits have cleared the Capitol of legislative veterans, but since when did Jed Clampett, Ellie Mae, Jethro and Granny get elected to the Assembly?

Read the exact quote for yourself.

"Some of them come from those little towns, you know what I am saying, they come from those little towns and they don’t have that vision yet of an airport or of a highway that… Read More

Shawn Steel

The Obama we never knew: ACORN

With all the excitement aboutmoonbat Rev. Jeremiah Wright it’s easy to forget other aspects of Obama’s controversial past life.

He’s a youthful candidate with a lot of history.

John Fund’s April 29th Wall Street Journal piece onVoter Fraud, Fund noted that Obama represented the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now [ACORN] on a voting rights case in 1995.

That caught my attention. Does anyone know about ACORN?

I sued ACORN on behalf of the California Republican Party in 1998 when a mob of 50 plus people were brought to the CRP offices in a bus. ACORN invaded our Headquarters, intimidated staff and conducted a sit down strike for several hours. The party was given no notice. Someof their membersdestroyed a $5000.00 Ronald Reagan portrait. I sued for the portrait damage. . ACORN retained several high powered attorneys from major downtown law firms [ pro bono] and we duked it out. They argued we interfered with their rights to free expression! How Stalinist. We argued they were… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gay GOP Group Endorsements – What Are Their Criteria?

The California Chapter of the Log Cabin Republicans has made their endorsements in GOP primaries for State Legislature, and they are raising some eyebrows…

First and foremost, straight (if I may use that word in a post about gay Republicans) off of the Log Cabin website is this statement under “Why We Exist”

Log Cabin Republicans work to make the Republican Party more inclusive, particularly on gay and lesbian issues. Equality will be impossible to achieve without Republican votes. Working from inside the Party—educating other Republicans about gay and lesbian issues—is the most effective way to gain new Republican allies for equality. Log Cabin also exists as a voice for GOP values among members of the gay andlesbian community.

Great – we get it. And to the credit of California Log Cabin Director James Vaughn, he and his organization are virtual Energizer Bunnies when it comes to pushing the gay and lesbian agenda within the GOP.

So… Read More

James V. Lacy

Van Tran, Mimi Walters, Diane Harkey, and the “Elephant in the Room”

The "Elephant" is the symbol of the Republican party.

But the term "elephant in the room" does not have a political meaning. The "elephant in the room" has a different meaning, and is defined in Wikipedia as an English idiom for an "obvious truth that is being ignored or goes unaddressed. It is based on the idea that an elephant in a small room would be impossible to overlook."

The press in Orange County has not focused on the "Elephant" issue that is the subject of this post. The press in Orange County has only reported the "conventional wisdom." But I will here, especially because there is a legal issue associated with it, speak the truth.

73rd Assembly District Assemblymember Mimi Walters has been a darling of the Orange County Republican Party. After losing her first bid for election, she has served well as an appointed member of the Laguna Niguel City Council, later elected, advancing the highly publicized policy of privatization on the council established by her predecessor Pat Bates, passing on creating government jobs to serve the city in favor of private… Read More

Brandon Powers

Mitzelfelt Running Strong

To put it mildly, the last year has been very kind to San Bernardino County Supervisor (and former FR blogger) Brad Mitzelfelt.

He went from appointed from a cast of dozens to gaining the endorsement of almost every single official in his district including many former opponents. In addition, he put together a formidable team of consultants and local politicos, only partially drawn from his former boss, current Assessor Bill Postmus. On the policy front, he’s garnered for his infrastructure-deprived district a laundry list of roads and key projects, including expansion of the Inland Port at the former George Air Force Base, bringing jobs to the region, all while not using the feel good pork barrel so-often used by those in government positions.

Oh, and did I mention he raised over $800,000 for his June election?

Alas, Brad’s cruise to a full term was thwarted by local developer and Hesperia Councilwoman Rita Vogler, who as many of the self funders before her, decried the influence of money in politics and announced her late bid against Brad on the nearly lone basis that he’s had to raise money to campaign for his seat.

But then an… Read More