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Brandon Powers

Mitzelfelt Running Strong

To put it mildly, the last year has been very kind to San Bernardino County Supervisor (and former FR blogger) Brad Mitzelfelt.

He went from appointed from a cast of dozens to gaining the endorsement of almost every single official in his district including many former opponents. In addition, he put together a formidable team of consultants and local politicos, only partially drawn from his former boss, current Assessor Bill Postmus. On the policy front, he’s garnered for his infrastructure-deprived district a laundry list of roads and key projects, including expansion of the Inland Port at the former George Air Force Base, bringing jobs to the region, all while not using the feel good pork barrel so-often used by those in government positions.

Oh, and did I mention he raised over $800,000 for his June election?

Alas, Brad’s cruise to a full term was thwarted by local developer and Hesperia Councilwoman Rita Vogler, who as many of the self funders before her, decried the influence of money in politics and announced her late bid against Brad on the nearly lone basis that he’s had to raise money to campaign for his seat.

But then an… Read More

Jon Fleischman

A Clear Contrast – Democrats vs. Republicans

On behalf of Democrats, Assemblyman Ted Liu (remember, "raise revenue" is no-so-subtle code for "raise taxes"):

On behalf of Republicans, Senate and Assembly GOPers held a press conference to celebrate today, Tax Freedom Day — see the video below. Assembly Republican Caucus Chairman Bob Huff and Senate Republican Caucus Chairman George Runner kick off the event. Jon Coupal with the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association, Assemblywoman Mimi Walters, Assemblyman John Benoit, and Assemblyman Republican Leader Mike Villines also speak…… Read More

Meredith Turney

Lloyd Levine Taxes the Family Car

Not satisfied with controlling how citizens light our homes or care for our animals, Assemblyman Lloyd Levine now wants to increase the taxes—excuse me, “fees”—on our cars. Amended yesterday, AB 837 will increase registration fees on all cars 10,000 pounds or less and based on the carbon dioxide emissions of the car. Based on the car’s weight, the fees will increase from $5 to $25. Based on the carbon dioxide emissions, the rate will increase $10 to $25.

This bill will have a particular impact on families. After all, it’s the gas-guzzling, CO2- emitting SUVs and minivans used to cart kids around town that will be targeted by this tax increase.

Once again government will be taking more valuable dollars from families to then be spent by the irresponsible, spendthrift politicians in Sacramento. Families are already being pinched by the skyrocketing gas prices. Instead of raising the taxes on our cars, legislators should decrease (or abolish) gas taxes to help out families and stimulate our state’s economy.

And how about the safety of… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Off Reservation Indian Gambling?

Ok, someone help me out here. For years, we have been watching Indian tribes all over California build, in some cases, massive gambling casinos on their tribal lands. Making the case for reservations being sovereign land, building casinos on them has become truly big business for some Indian tribes — especially for those whose ancestors were prescient enough to settle lands long ago that today are well-located for attracting gamblers.

Yesterday I read in the Fresno Bee and in the Los Angeles Times that the North Fork Tribe in Madera County in the heart of the Central Valley had reached an agreement for a gambling compact with Governor Schwarzenegger. That, in and of itself, isn’t that newsworthy — there are a lot of tribes, and a lot of compacts.

What caught my eye was that this North Fork Tribe gambling casino would be the state’s first toRead More

Ray Haynes

They are at it Again

If terms limits has any downside, it is that the current crop of legislators (at least in the Assembly) have little experience in dealing with budget crises. Every member of the Assembly today got elected after the budget debacle of 2001-02, and the recovery that followed. That morass, where the budget deficit grew to $48 billion (when you include the actual deficit between revenue and spending in the 2001-02 budget and the projected spending deficit in 02-03) in a $79 billion general fund budget, was solved without a tax increase. Today, legislators talk as if a $20 billion deficit on a $110 billion budget can only be solved with a tax increase (to use their cute expression the balanced approach with a ‘mix" of cuts and tax increases). The public relations effort has begun to convince the Governor of this fact and then have the Governor persuade enough legislators to get the tax increase.

That is an old strategy that worked in Pete Wilson’s first term. It failed miserably. The tax increase deepened a pending recession, causing the deficit to deepen. What is more the proposed "cuts" never occurred. Spending went up, taxes went… Read More

Inside the Beltway News: Wednesday

The Doolittle seat slugfest is profiled in Politico today, here. The print edition had pretty photos and everything, while the online version photos are pretty bland.

A key financial services bill coauthored by Rep. Royce gains news in The Hill, today here.

MoveOn moves out and launches against McCain, from The hill.

Now for a book plug. Although I haven’t read it, I did hear about some details from the author as it was being prepped. Robert Schlesinger a longtime DC writer has penned a new book on White House speech writers. I’m eager to read "White House Ghosts."

From the early reviews I’ve seen, including this in the Wall Street Journal it will be an enjoyable and informative ready. It’s on my reading list and… Read More

Jon Fleischman

More is more…

Over on the California Democrat Report website this morning, Steve Maviglio (Deputy Chief of Staff to Speaker Fabian “Loius Vuitton” Nunez blogs with seeming glee that FR friend, Joel Fox of the California Small Business Action Committee is working on a new blog site that he touts as “competition” to this website. Truth be known, Joel’s a great guy and we’ve been encouraging him. Last I checked, people travel to many places on the internet to follow politics. We welcome any more right-of-center blog activity on California politics! Fox’s group is “non-partisan” – but I would look for a steady stream of criticisms against Sacramento liberals who seem to want to regulate small business — out of business!… Read More

Meredith Turney

Dinesh D’Souza Takes on Berkeley and Radical Islam

Yesterday evening conservative commentator and best-selling author Dinesh D’Souza visited the heart of liberalism: UC Berkeley. The Berkeley College Republicans hosted D’Souza’s visit, along with the Young America’s Foundation and Capitol Resource Institute. A crowd of students andothersgathered on campus to hear D’Souza deliver an address on “Christianity, Islam and the War on Terror."

In a fascinating presentation, D’Souza explained his thoughts on the “new atheism” in America and the countervailing rise of radical Islam. Many atheists have proclaimed that religion is the root of so much of international violence. D’Souza posits it is not a result of religion, but the more mundane interest of land-grabbing and power (in the name of religion) that causes this violence.

One of the points that really struck me was how the rest of the world, especially the Islamic culture, perceives America. To illustrate this point, D’Souza explained that he often has to protect his young daughter from all sorts… Read More