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Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Obama Jedi Mind Trick

(H/T to Jennie DeVore.)… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

State Fish & Game greenlights 241 Toll Road Completion

[Cross-posted from OC Blog]

After the virtual media blackout on the US Fish & Wildlife’s announcement last week that completing the 241 won’t threaten endangered species, I wonder if they’ll be any media coverage as a similar announcement from the California Department of Fish & Game:

State Fish & Game Provides Permit for 241 Toll Road

On the heels of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) announcement that completing the 241 would not harm any endangered or threatended animals, the California Department of Fish & Game today issued its state permit to allow the traffic relief project to proceed. This is the third and final wildlife approval the project needs.

Last year the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued its determination that the project would not adversely affect the steelhead

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Autry Is The Real Kool Aid Drinker

My good friend Fresno Mayor Alan Autry takes me to task nearby for having the audacity of asking and answering the question: Is Arnold Schwarzenegger a worse Governor than Gray Davis. Alan goes as far as accusing me of drinking the "kool – aid".

In politics, being a "kool aid" drinker is defined simply as this: defending the indefensible for the sake of Party affiliation. Of course, anyone that knows me knows that I am a leading critic of my own Party, and in fact it is Mayor Autry drinking the Arnold "kool – aid". Arnold’s record since 2005 is indefensible.

So you know, Autry accuses me of voting for tax increases such as Measure Z and C. I did not vote for Measure Z, a new local tax to fund our Zoo. In fact, our Lincoln Club opposed that tax. I dd support Measure C, an EXTENSION of a sales tax passed two decades ago to fund local transportation projects. The extension of that tax made sense, as the half completed highways all over our local area bear out.

Autry really doesn’t respond to my opinion piece. He cites Arnold’s accomplishments of cutting the car tax and reforming WC,… Read More

Mike Spence

Ron Paul Dumps “Aryan” Los Angeles Judge Candidate

Ron Paul has pulled his endorsement of L.A. Superior Court Candidate Bill Johnson. Johnson under another name advocated limiting U.S. citizenship to: “non-Hispanic white [persons] of the European race, in whom there is no ascertainable trace of Negro blood, nor more than one-eighth Mongolian, Asian, Asia Minor, Middle Eastern, Semitic, Near Eastern, American Indian, Malay or other non-European or non-white blood, provided that Hispanic whites, defined as anyone with an Hispanic ancestor, may be citizens if, in addition to meeting the aforesaid ascertainable trace and percentage tests, they are in appearance indistinguishable from Americans whose ancestral home is in the British Isles or Northwestern Europe.” Apparently, the endorsement process was flawed. You think!… Read More

Meredith Turney

McClintock and Ose Debate at William Jessup University

Yesterday evening Senator Tom McClintock and former congressman Doug Ose engaged in another major debate before the June 3rd primary election. William Jessup University hosted a first-class event, complete with a live radio broadcast on local radio talk show station KTKZ. All of the candidates for the 4th CD were invited to attend the event, including Republicans Ted Terbolizard and Suzanne Jones and Democrat Charlie Brown, although only Ose and McClintock participated in the debate. WJU’s Public Policy department put together the debate, with the Chair Sosamma Samuel-Burnett moderating. In addition to several students asking great questions of the candidates, three local reporters provided most of the questioning: Dana Howard of ABC News 10, Peter Hecht of the Sacramento Bee, and Deric Rothe of the Auburn Journal.

Although this debate covered many of the same topics as the last major debate, there were some new approaches to issues. Starting with their opening statements, each candidate attempted to frame the debate; McClintock once again described this race as a battle between the conservative and liberal wings of the Republican Party, while Ose touted his… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

Sup. Janet Nguyen Will Pay Jimmy Camp

I thought I’d update FR readers on the Janet-owes-Jimmy situation down here in OC that I posted about on Wednesday.

Late yesterday morning, I spoke with Jimmy, who had earlier been in conversations with Team Janet.

According to Jimmy, the matter has been resolved and Janet’s campaign will pay Jimmy the final $2,500 of his win bonus.

Janet consultant Dave Gilliard said, "It was a misunderstanding among friends that was easily worked out once we all compared notes."

Kudos to Janet for making this right and lancing an unnecessary boil.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

AD 36: Steve Knight Poised For A Primary Victory

This year, term limits causes the State Assembly to lose one of its most qualified legislators, Assemblywoman Sharon Runner. (I remember “back in the day” when I was running for State President of the California Republican Assembly and Sharon, and her husband, George, were heading up the mega-sized Antelope Valley Republican Assembly. Fortunately they supported me in my effort!) The primary election to replace her has presented one of the most important elections for Republicans in the state.

Generally, Republican primaries contain candidates with a mixture of similar values and similar backgrounds. The most viable candidates are usually very qualified Republicans pitted against each other despite similar ideologies. To many on the outside, no matter which candidate wins the primary, the votes will be the same and they will be reliable.

However, in the election to replace Sharon Runner, there is a candidate in the primary behind whom which virtually all Republican leaders are united. The other two candidates in the race are engaging in rather… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary – AD 36: Steve Knight Poised For A Primary Victory

This year, term limits causes the State Assembly to lose one of its most qualified legislators, Assemblywoman Sharon Runner. (I remember “back in the day” when I was running for State President of the California Republican Assembly and Sharon, and her husband, George, were heading up the mega-sized Antelope Valley Republican Assembly. Fortunately they supported me in my effort!) The primary election to replace her has presented one of the most important elections for Republicans in the state.

Generally, Republican primaries contain candidates with a mixture of similar values and similar backgrounds. The most viable candidates are usually very qualified Republicans pitted against each other despite similar ideologies. To many on the outside, no matter which candidate wins the primary, the votes will be the same and they will be reliable.

However, in the election to replace Sharon Runner, there is a candidate in the primary behind whom which virtually all Republican leaders are united. The other two candidates in the race are engaging in rather anemic campaigns,… Read More