Israel At 60 –Defeating Terrorism Is Vital To Safety And Security Of Both The Jewish State And America
Today is an important milestone in world history. Israel celebrates its birthday as a sovereign nation amid a period of great uncertainty and tension in the Middle east region. As it has for many of its years, Israelis will be marking the anniversary of their nation with joy and glee, but also a sense of guarded optimism and concern for the future of a country that has been at the forefront in the battle against militant extremism. Israel’s existence is extraordinary, and not just to those of the Jewish faith. For many Americans, however, today’s birthday for Israel may not appear as significant in the overall state of international affairs, but I can assure you Israel’s 60th anniversary is more than a milestone marking the birth of a nation, it is a metaphor for the struggle against radical anti-American extremism. If one listens to the radical jihadists, one can see that militants are hell bent on the destruction of western civilization as we know it. Many Americans will correctly point out that the United States on 9-11-01 was… Read More