Posted by Matthew J. Cunningham at 12:00 am on May 12, 2008 Comments Off on “Routine,” My Foot
Last week, the California Department of Fish & Game
issued a permit for work on the 241 toll road completion —
specifically on environmental mitigation measures.
It comes on the heels of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
announcing completing the 241would not threaten endangered species,
and of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration saying
it would not threaten the steelhead trout (which no one has really
seen in that vicinity, anyway).
Dan Silver of the Endangered Habitat League dismissed the
decision as "procedural and routine."
And if Fish & Game had denied the permit, does anyone think Mr.
Silver would dismiss it as "procedural and routine"?
Not hardly.
He and the rest of the anti-241 enviros would be trumpeting it
from the roof tops as "more prof" that finishing the 241 will
turn that section of South OC into a wasteland.
Instead, the F & G, F & W and NOAA announcements have been
greeted by crickets from Environmental Left, and received
near-cricket treatment… Read More