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Inside the Beltway News: Tuesday

Today’s news is a mixed bag of fun, nostalgia and news.

Das German Embassy has launched a good-sized media buy in the DC market commemorating the historic and cooperative relationship between the two nations including some great online video ads. Read more here.

The Ose race gets coverage of the Sac Bee endorsement in The Hill, here, and in Roll Call here (subscription required).

Roll Call tallies the work of hyperactive legislators, Democrat Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) and Republican Ron Paul (same one, R-Texas) top the list for prolific policymakers. More here, and sorry, subscription required. By the way, I am tired of making excuses for Roll Call being the only Hill paper in town that requires a subscription for what their competitors give away freely.

Former House GOP member Bob Barr announces his candidacy for president,… Read More

Barry Jantz

Breaking News: Poll Shows Hunter with Massive Lead in 52nd Congressional

A huge thanks to Adam Day of Sycuan for sending the attached survey results and memo along. Some excerpts… Survey Shows Duncan D. Hunter with Comfortable Lead In 52nd Congressional District Republican Primary Race El Cajon, CA (May 12, 2008) – In a survey of 400 registered voters in the 52nd Congressional district, Duncan D. Hunter, son of current Congressman Duncan Hunter, enjoys a substantial lead over other candidates in the race with 79% voter support.

Sycuan frequently conducts public opinion polling on a wide range of regional issues and election topics and shares the results with the public. This survey of voters in the 52nd Congressional District, where Sycuan is located, also asked voters about key issues in the race. Winning the War on Terror and illegal immigration were the top priorities for voters in this congressional race.

A summary of the survey results from Dr. Richard Maullin of Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin & Associates is attached. — According to our recent survey, Duncan D. Hunter holds a massive lead over the field seeking the RepublicanRead More

Jon Fleischman

No Complaining, Please

Today each Republican in the State Assembly will have their opportunity to make it clear that ultra-liberal Karen Bass is not their choice for Speaker. Whether by voting for Mike Villines for Speaker (if his name is placed into nomination) or by insisting that their “NO” vote be RECORDED for posterity, each GOP legislator can make the record clear.

When they do, Speaker Bass should not take it any more personally than if these Republicans were voting against one of her bills to increase taxes.

Anyways, Republican legislators who quietly whisper “no” while an official acclimation (unanimous) vote for Bass s tallied aren’t fooling anyone.

Don’t complain about what this next Speaker does with her office if you don’t have the moxie to record your opposition to her being Speaker.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Joel Fox Launches New Website on California Business and Politics

FlashReport readers will now have another place to aim their browsers as my friend Joel Fox has launched a new website with what promises to be an interesting blog – Fox and Hounds. Joel is the President of the Small Business Action Committee, and is former President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association.

The site clearly runs the gamut of political opinion when you see Governor Schwarzenegger’s longtime Democrat advisor Bonnie Reiss topping the blogpen over there — she’ll be a balance to the more right-leaning Fox! Joel’s put together a promising crew of bloggers, and we truly wish him the best of luck with his endeavor. Trust me, ’tis no easy thing!

On the occasion of the launch of Fox and Hounds, I asked Joel if he would pen something about the new blog for FR readers, and here it is…

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Meredith Turney

Today’s Commentary: Canadian “Human Rights” Commissions Coming to California?

There is an ominous cloud on the horizon and conservative bloggers (and their readers) should beware. Conservative author, blogger and commentator Mark Steyn is about to go on trial in Canada to face charges of spreading “hate and contempt” for Muslims. A chapter of Steyn’s book “America Alone” was published in Canadian magazine Maclean’s, which drew complaints from Islamic Canadians who disagree with Steyn’s warnings about an encroaching Islamic state in Europe and the West.

In Canada, this type of “hate speech” is against the law. British Columbia actually outlaws any images or language “likely to expose a person…to hatred or contempt” for a variety of reasons, including religion, marital status or sexual orientation. So Mark Steyn now finds himself a defendant before both the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal and the Canadian Human Rights Commission simply because he wrote a book expressing his opinions about a religion and its impact on the world.

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Meredith Turney

Canadian “Human Rights” Commissions Coming to California?

There is an ominous cloud on the horizon and conservative bloggers (and their readers) should beware. Conservative author, blogger and commentator Mark Steyn is about to go on trial in Canada to face charges of spreading “hate and contempt” for Muslims. A chapter of Steyn’s book “America Alone” was published in Canadian magazine Maclean’s, which drew complaints from Islamic Canadians who disagree with Steyn’s warnings about an encroaching Islamic state in Europe and the West.

In Canada, this type of “hate speech” is against the law. British Columbia actually outlaws any images or language “likely to expose a person…to hatred or contempt” for a variety of reasons, including religion, marital status or sexual orientation. So Mark Steyn now finds himself a defendant before both the British Columbia Human Rights Tribunal and the Canadian Human Rights Commission simply because he wrote a book expressing his opinions about a religion and its impact on the world.

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James V. Lacy

Newport Beach Charter amendment “Beeked” but unbowed

A new verb was created during the hearings on Robert Bork’sunsuccessful nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. He was "Borked" by his opponents.

A charter amendment I wrote for the City of Newport Beach, and proponents William Ficker, Jack Croul, and the Hon. Marion Bergeson, was adopted by a majority of the voters in February, despite opposition from 4 of7 city council members,and it places the new City Hall on City owned property near the Central Library. A pretty reasonable proposal. And a cost saving one.

But resident Alan Beek has a different idea. Despite overwhelming case law to the contrary, including a century-old California Supreme Court case, he is now suing the City to have the initiative and vote of the people set aside. It is a curious situation. The City Council, a majority of whom did not support the Measure, must defend it in court through their lawyers Reed and Davidson, and the exceptional Brad Hertz. So, the proponents, my clients, seek intervention to help protect the law. We set a hearing for June 5 to intervene in the case. But after that motion was filed, Beek and his lawyer, a… Read More

Jon Fleischman

McNerney Makes Roll Call’s Top Ten List Of Most Vulnerable Incumbents

Roll Call* has published their list of the Top Ten Must Vulnerable Incumbents In Congress. Six are Democrats, four are Republicans — only one is from California — below is the relevant excerpt:

JERRY MCNERNEY Not only did McNerney oust then-House Resources Chairman Richard Pombo (R) in the 2006 general election, to get there he had to upset the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s preferred candidate in the primary. So McNerney has shown his mettle. Still, he’s sitting in a fairly conservative district. And his challenger, former state Assemblyman Dean Andal (R), carriesRead More