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Hegyi Momentum

Lots of positive calls and emails from folks who want to help Paul from my earlier post on survey results. This mention of the Independent Expenditure to help Paul was in the Sac Bee today.

The attached three mailers from Paul’s campaign were at the post office today.… Read More

James V. Lacy

Obama and drivers licenses for illegal aliens

I am very pleased to be working with my friend Floyd Brown onthe legalities of aproject to inform the public of Barrack Obama’s policy positions and what can be done abourt it. Check out this post by O.C. Register Political reporter Martin Wisckol.… Read More

Brandon Powers

San Bernardino County Supervisorial Candidate Rita Vogler Wants to Repeal Prop 13

In 1978, after years of scandalous actions by local agencies in the definition of property taxes, voters passed Prop 13 setting a single statewide standard. It has become the ‘third rail’ in California politics because of the protections against abuse it offers taxpayers as well as guaranteeing a great tax rate.

In 1980, Prop 8 was passed to define who, how, and why property was to be reassessed for lower values, again offering a landmark protection against bureaucrats who were continuing to raise property taxes even though property was going down in value.

For over 25 years these two bulwarks against government intrusion into our lives have protected families and land owners big and small.

That is why when a politician comes along promising to lower property taxes unilaterally, I smile – because even though it sounds great, they are really offering to repeal Prop 13 and Prop 8.

Hesperia Councilwoman Rita Vogler, a large land owner herself, is running against Supervisor Brad Mitzelfelt in the First District in San Bernardino County.

Councilwoman Vogler has built part of her fortune on the low, predictable property tax rates afforded by… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Hegyi Well Positioned for Victory

A poll conducted last week by Wilson Research Strategies of 400 likely Republican voters in Assembly District 10 showed the race still wide open with only a few weeks to go.

Jack Sieglock is the best known in the district but still 85% of the voters have either never heard of him or don’t have an opinion of him.

Sieglock starts with a preliminary lead but support for all the candidates is soft and nearly 2/3rds of the voters are undecided and the balance only give token support to any candidate.

**There is more – click the link**

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Hegyi Well Positioned for Victory

A poll conducted last week by Wilson Research Strategies of 400 likely Republican voters in Assembly District 10 showed the race still wide open with only a few weeks to go.

Jack Sieglock is the best known in the district but still 85% of the voters have either never heard of him or don’t have an opinion of him.

Sieglock starts with a preliminary lead but support for all the candidates is soft and nearly 2/3rds of the voters are undecided and the balance only give token support to any candidate.

When voters are read balanced biographies of the candidates, Sieglock plunges into last while Paul Hegyi springs to an 11-point lead. Hegyi jumps to 28%, Sander 17% and Sieglock 16% without any positive or negative statements about the candidates.

We’re working on an Independent Expenditure for Hegyi over the next month. If your interested in supporting Paul, contact Tom Ross at… Read More

Jon Fleischman

VIDEO: Obama Jedi Mind Trick

(H/T to Jennie DeVore.)… Read More

Matthew J. Cunningham

State Fish & Game greenlights 241 Toll Road Completion

[Cross-posted from OC Blog]

After the virtual media blackout on the US Fish & Wildlife’s announcement last week that completing the 241 won’t threaten endangered species, I wonder if they’ll be any media coverage as a similar announcement from the California Department of Fish & Game:

State Fish & Game Provides Permit for 241 Toll Road

On the heels of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) announcement that completing the 241 would not harm any endangered or threatended animals, the California Department of Fish & Game today issued its state permit to allow the traffic relief project to proceed. This is the third and final wildlife approval the project needs.

Last year the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) issued its determination that the project would not adversely affect the steelhead

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Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Autry Is The Real Kool Aid Drinker

My good friend Fresno Mayor Alan Autry takes me to task nearby for having the audacity of asking and answering the question: Is Arnold Schwarzenegger a worse Governor than Gray Davis. Alan goes as far as accusing me of drinking the "kool – aid".

In politics, being a "kool aid" drinker is defined simply as this: defending the indefensible for the sake of Party affiliation. Of course, anyone that knows me knows that I am a leading critic of my own Party, and in fact it is Mayor Autry drinking the Arnold "kool – aid". Arnold’s record since 2005 is indefensible.

So you know, Autry accuses me of voting for tax increases such as Measure Z and C. I did not vote for Measure Z, a new local tax to fund our Zoo. In fact, our Lincoln Club opposed that tax. I dd support Measure C, an EXTENSION of a sales tax passed two decades ago to fund local transportation projects. The extension of that tax made sense, as the half completed highways all over our local area bear out.

Autry really doesn’t respond to my opinion piece. He cites Arnold’s accomplishments of cutting the car tax and reforming WC,… Read More