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Jon Fleischman

Already Taxed to the Max (ATM) Statewide Tour Begins

FlashReport readers are probably starting to become more familiar with the group Americans for Prosperity. Earlier this year they kicked off their California chapter (I had the honor of introducing Hugh Hewitt at that event) and they have been charging hard since then. I would like to share more with FR readers about AFP’s current big project here in the Golden State — and an important one…

AFP has started the Already Taxed to the Max (ATM) Statewide tour, with a kickoff event last week at the State Capitol and then an trip up to Chico in the North State. The tour, featuring conservative leaders and a huge 12-foot inflatable ATM machine will send a message to Lawmakers that California Taxpayers are not their personal ATM machine. Their next stop: The liberal bastion of San Francisco tomorrow.

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Barry Jantz

Sunday San Diego: Van Deerlin, 52nd Update, Prop 22, Secret Refugee Camps and More

Lionel Van Deerlin, RIP A partisan political opponent, perhaps, but definitely a noble adversary. Some of the news reports indicate former Congressman Van Deerlin had a heart attack on March 1 and was receiving home hospice care. That didn’t keep him from getting out of bed only two weekends ago to come to La Mesa and pay a memorial tribute to his longtime friend, Dr. Jack Hardebeck, who also recently passed away. From the good humor and stories he shared at Harry Griffen Park that day, few were the wiser that he himself had only a few days remaining.

I won’t miss reading his skewering of Republicans in the Union-Trib. I will miss his presence and his wit. Read the U-T report.

Quote of the Week After I posted the Sycuan survey results last Tuesday showing Duncan D. Hunter leading the 52nd Congressional District GOP primary with 79 percent… Read More

IRS to Examine Political Activity of Exempt Groups

I received my Kiplinger Tax Letter (subscription required) today and thought Flashreport readers would find this interesting:

IRS is expanding its look at politicking by exempt groups in 2008. Unions and social welfare organizations will be eyed this year, as well as charities. Although churches and charities are prohibited from participating in election campaigns, unions and social welfare groups can take part in the political process. But if their primary function is political activity, then the Service can revoke their exemptions.

Not sure who this hurts or helps. Guess we’ll just have to wait and see who gets caught.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Gun Shows Are Good Business

I’m out at the Ontario Convention Center where a large turnout is on hand for one of the many Gun Shows that come through convention centers around America.

The American people own more guns than any army on the planet, and that is a good thing. A cornerstone to our republic is a healthy respect that power should rest, ultimately, with the people. While this colloqual expression typically refers to the role of the voters, there is no doubt to the implied power of a well armed American public (I am sure that criminals wish the public was unarmed).

What is that expression? “A government powerful enough to give you everything you want is powerful enough to take it all away.”

Now I am not some sort of anarchist, and believe in the lawful possession and use of firearms (although government has gone too far in infringing on the rights of Americans to keep and bear arms-

But its just comfortably reassuring that we live in a country where — people have guns.

Anyways, looking at all of the commerce taking place here — guns are big business. Which takes us to the dumb legislation winding its way through… Read More

Jon Fleischman

California’s Gift To John McCain

Looking for some weekend reading (as if we didn’t provide you enough on the main page) — there’s an interesting column on the Weekly Standard’s website ( on how the California Supreme Court’s decision on homosexual marriage could be quite helpful to John McCain. It’s entitled California’s Gift To McCain and is penned by John McCormack. I’m posting via my Blackberry so cannot imbed any links to this post.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Jon Coupal: Insurance Company to Offer Eminent Domain Insurance

On this Saturday, just over three weeks from the June primary election, we are pleased to present this guest commentary from Jon Coupal, the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association…

Insurance Company to Offer Eminent Domain Insurance By Jon Coupal

When the subject of unusual insurance policies comes up, people usually think of Lloyds of London, the venerable insurance syndicate that has been insuring almost anything for over 300 years. In addition to writing mundane policies, Lloyds has insured Tina Turner’s legs, Keith Richards’ fingers and even Tom Jones’ chest hair.

**There is more – click the link**

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Jon Fleischman

Jon Coupal: Insurance Company to Offer Eminent Domain Insurance

On this Saturday, just over three weeks from the June primary election, we are pleased to present this guest commentary from Jon Coupal, the President of the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association…

Insurance Company to Offer Eminent Domain Insurance By Jon Coupal

When the subject of unusual insurance policies comes up, people usually think of Lloyds of London, the venerable insurance syndicate that has been insuring almost anything for over 300 years. In addition to writing mundane policies, Lloyds has insured Tina Turner’s legs, Keith Richards’ fingers and even Tom Jones’ chest hair.

Now we have a San Diego firm offering to write policies that some observers might find just as odd but, sadly, could be a prudent investment for California property owners. The Ward Group LLC, in partnership with the AmWins Group, Inc. is offering to write policies to protect property owners against losses suffered if they become victims of eminent domainRead More

Jon Fleischman

Rao Campaign Admits Gaf In Announcing CRA Endorsement

Just off the transom from uber-consultant Tim Clark on behalf of the Robert Rao campaign in AD 15 (this is what we call an “oops memo”) —

In a statement released earlier today, the Rao for Assembly campaign announced that the Contra Costa Chapter of the California Republican Assembly had endorsed Robert Rao for Assembly in the 15th district. Although Rao won the “straw vote” taken, CRA bylaws do not permit a local CRA chapter to formally endorse except at the district endorsement meeting held earlier in the year.

“We appreciate the wonderful work of the California Republican Assembly and would love to have their formal endorsement,” said Rao Spokesman Mike Caporusso, “but no candidate was endorsed at the Spring meeting, and that’s the official vote, so we respect that.”… Read More