Los Angeles Times: 19 point lead is “small majority”
The Los Angeles Times likes to remind us every so often that Al Gore "won" the popular vote in the 2000 Presidential election he lost. Rarely do they say that in "winning" Gore failed to get a majority of the national vote. Even rarer is a statement that Gore’s win was by a "small" margin. They also always fail to tell us that Bill Clinton never managed to win a majority of the national vote in his two winning presidential election campaigns.
But today’s spin from the Times is otherwise credibly led by none other than their Poll Directer, Susan Pinkus, who tells us the marriage amendment on the November ballot is "winning by a small margin." 54% to 35%. Thus stated, the Times poll director considers a 19 point lead "a small majority." And she warns this small majority "might not bode well" for the measure’s future. Such liberal wishful thinking! I just wish she could similarly explain my cholesterol levels to my doctor with the same elan. Perhaps she could waive her wand and change my high low-density lipoprotein level into something to cheer about! Perhaps I would have reason… Read More