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Jon Fleischman

One, Two, Three Defealts.. You’re Out! (Unless you are in a gerrymandered House seat.)

There is a lot of controversy swirling around about how newly minted U.S. Representative Laura Richardson defaulted on a home loan in Sacramento house. The rub is that at the same time that she was NOT making her house payments, instead she was spending her personal cash on her Congressional campaign.

You can read the stories on the main page today.

Richardson’s got her spin out there, trying to explain it all away somehow. But apparently leaving others holding the bag for her loans is a hobby of hers. In the Daily Breeze today, they have documentation online about how she has defaulted on not one, not two, but three homes. Check it out here.

Sounds to me like she will fit in perfectly to the fiscally irresponsible House of Representatives… (H/T to FH.)Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – Costly Contracting Practices Wasting Classroom Dollars

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the state’s biggest and second-largest school district in the nation with more than 700,000 students, known for incompetence and corruption, has yet again, come under investigation for spending an enormous amount of taxpayer dollars on questionable contracts – while the district, not to mention the state, is facing historic budget deficits. According to the L. A. Daily News, May 13, 2008, “With Los Angeles Unified facing spending cuts of as much as a half-billion dollars amid a statewide budget crunch, the district is coming under renewed scrutiny for its nearly $175 million in consulting contracts with outside firms covering everything from legal help to improving student achievement.” Taxpayers should be shocked to know that, “The LAUSD has dozens of multiyear professional-services consulting deals that totalRead More

Jon Fleischman

Senate Candidate Harry Sidhu Thinks You Are Stupid – Apparently.

On this quiet Saturday, I thought I would take a few minutes to “vent” about something that has been bugging me. I live in Orange County, where one of the highest profile Republican legislative primaries has been the battle for the 33rd State Senate seat currently held by former Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, who is coming to end of his final term. The two candidates are conservative Assemblywoman Mimi Walters and Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu. Walters is from Laguna Niguel on the southern end of the large district, and Sidhu hails from the north end.

Of course there are a lot of primaries taking place all over California, but only one has a candidate who wins my hastily created “You Have To Be Kidding Me/What A Hypocrite” Award.

It’s rare to see a race where on candidate opens up with attack mailer after attack mailer, which is what Harry Sidhu has done here. I think he sent out five pieces of blistering attack mail on Walters before she finally responded in kind.Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Senate Candidate Harry Sidhu Thinks You Are Stupid – Apparently.

On this quiet Saturday, I thought I would take a few minutes to “vent” about something that has been bugging me. I live in Orange County, where one of the highest profile Republican legislative primaries has been the battle for the 33rd State Senate seat currently held by former Senate Republican Leader Dick Ackerman, who is coming to end of his final term. The two candidates are conservative Assemblywoman Mimi Walters and Anaheim Councilman Harry Sidhu. Walters is from Laguna Niguel on the southern end of the large district, and Sidhu hails from the north end.

Of course there are a lot of primaries taking place all over California, but only one has a candidate who wins my hastily created “You Have To Be Kidding Me/What A Hypocrite” Award.

It’s rare to see a race where on candidate opens up with attack mailer after attack mailer, which is what Harry Sidhu has done here. I think he sent out five pieces of blistering attack mail on Walters before she finally responded in kind. To read… Read More

Matt Rexroad

It’s all about the Electoral College

The past few weeks the national polls seem to be focused on the head to head match up between Senator Obama and Senator McCain on a national level. Who cares?

The election in November is going to depend on about a dozen states. In these states the McCain v. Obama contest is much closer. has this article that contemplates a McCain blowout. That is a little premature but it is focusing on the real question: Who will win the electoral college?… Read More

Shawn Steel

The worst guy in LA : Mark Ridley-Thomas

This letter was sent to over 3000 chiropractors in LA County, one of many communities abused, insulted and bullied by Sen. Mark Ridley-Thomas.

Former LAPD Chief and current city councilman Bernard Parks is working furiously to win the huge Supervisorial contest for Seat 2 in central LA County, this June 3. It’s a classic contest between the reasonable pro growth visionaries and old line corrupt redistributionist statists.

Dear Doctors :

Who is the worst guy in LA? Mark Ridley-Thomas [R-T]Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch – Costly Contracting Practices

The Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD), the state’s biggest and second-largest school district in the nation with more than 700,000 students, known for incompetence and corruption, has yet again, come under investigation for spending an enormous amount of taxpayer dollars on questionable contracts – while the district, not to mention the state, is facing historic budget deficits. According to the L. A. Daily News, May 13, 2008, “With Los Angeles Unified facing spending cuts of as much as a half-billion dollars amid a statewide budget crunch, the district is coming under renewed scrutiny for its nearly $175 million in consulting contracts with outside firms covering everything from legal help to improving student achievement.” Taxpayers should be shocked to know that, “The LAUSD has dozens of multiyear professional-services consulting dealsRead More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Ammo Bill Moves, Spanking Bill Slapped-Committee Action

Just a sampling of some of the about 400 bills that were taken up in Assembly Appropriations yesterday that had been on the "Suspense file" and how they fared:

Those movingout of committee to our floor, in no particular order:

AB 2062 Ammo Bill- requires ID to buy ammunition and no mail sales, buyer must have a permit, fee required for background checks,etc. All Committee Republicans "No"

AB 2235 Handgun ban-would prohibit sale of any gun that doesn’t include technology that ID’s and only operates for the gun owner, biometric smart chip etc. All Reeps "No"

AB 2281 Dog Fight Spectators-raises penalties from a misdemeanor to a wobbler, a misdemeanor/felony for those that view dogfights All Reeps "Aye"

AB 2743 Marijuana Raids-would prohibitState agencies from helping Feds withmarijuana raids, arrests, orprosecutionsof supposed medical marijuana users Reeps "No"

AB 2784 DUI Ignition Interlock Devices-requires convicted DUI offenders to equip their cars with these systems Reeps "Aye"

AB 2083… Read More