One, Two, Three Defealts.. You’re Out! (Unless you are in a gerrymandered House seat.)
There is a lot of controversy swirling around about how newly minted U.S. Representative Laura Richardson defaulted on a home loan in Sacramento house. The rub is that at the same time that she was NOT making her house payments, instead she was spending her personal cash on her Congressional campaign.
You can read the stories on the main page today.
Richardson’s got her spin out there, trying to explain it all away somehow. But apparently leaving others holding the bag for her loans is a hobby of hers. In the Daily Breeze today, they have documentation online about how she has defaulted on not one, not two, but three homes. Check it out here.
Sounds to me like she will fit in perfectly to the fiscally irresponsible House of Representatives… (H/T to FH.)… Read More