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Jon Fleischman

Jason Roe jumps the shark – for real!

Middle-aged and older FR readers will remember when Fonzie of Happy Days fame "jumped the shark" — we’ve included that video below for the uninitiated. Actually, that plot line was so bad that the phrase "jumped the shark" is now used to describe when a story’s plot-line has crossed over into the ludicrous and lame.

That said, Fonzie has nothing former FlashReport Beltway Correspondent Jason Roe. Instead of "jumping the shark" Roe actually jumped ON a shark – a real shark – or at least he tried. The Hill newspaper is reporting that Roe, while out on a fishing trip, was reeling in a large shark when his pole broke. Roe’s reaction? He grabbed a knife and dove in after the shark. Fortunately the shark swam away, and didn’t eat Jason.

According to the article, Jason’s wife was… Read More

Jon Fleischman

FR Publisher on NBC’s ‘News Conference’ Program

Last Sunday I got to be one of those ‘talking heads’ on Sunday morning news television. I had the opportunity to appear on NBC’s political interview program, News Conference, which comes on right after the Chris Matthews show.

I appeared opposite two lefties — State Democrat Party Chairman Art Torres, and John Emerson of the Hillary Clinton campaign (who says the media isn’t fair and balanced?).

Anchor Laurel Erickson had the two Democrats doing most of the talking, but I got to make some salient points.

If you have a few minutes, and want to check it out, the links are below to the video from the KNBC website:

Segment One (approx 7 min.) Segment Two (approx 9 min.) Feedback is welcome (private feedback can be sent Read More

Jon Fleischman

Senator Runner: Gov’s Lottery Plan Is A Bad Bet

An exclusive commentary from State Senate Republican Caucus Chairman George Runner:

Governor’s Lottery plan is a bad bet for Californians By Senator George Runner

As I have stated in the past, I am not a fan of the California State Lottery. Quite simply, I don’t believe California government should be in the business of gambling and state employees should not earn a living off the backs of the poor, who tend to be the majority of Lottery players.

However, the voters spoke loud and clear in 1984 when they passed Proposition 37, which created our current state-operated Lottery… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Shame on Pete Wilson

As a Regional Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, I take seriously my commitment to stay out of contested Republican primaries for partisan office. As such, it has been difficult for me to sit on the sidelines during the epic battle in the 4th Congressional District, because that primary is really all about defining the heart and soul of the GOP. I will leave it to the Republican voters in this large Congressional District in North Eastern California to decide for themselves whether they want to elect former Congressman Doug Ose or State Senator Tom McClintock.

All that said, I feel that I do need to weigh in a bit in response to former Governor Pete Wilson’s spurious attack on conservative Tom McClintock. Wilson and McClintock did not get along. Why? Because, like today, Tom consistently stands up against increasing the size and scope of state government.

Wilson was furious with McClintock and other… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Shame on Pete Wilson

As a Regional Vice Chairman of the California Republican Party, I take seriously my commitment to stay out of contested Republican primaries for partisan office. As such, it has been difficult for me to sit on the sidelines during the epic battle in the 4th Congressional District, because that primary is really all about defining the heart and soul of the GOP. I will leave it to the Republican voters in this large Congressional District in North Eastern California to decide for themselves whether they want to elect former Congressman Doug Ose or State Senator Tom McClintock.

All that said, I feel that I do need to weigh in a bit in response to former Governor Pete Wilson’s spurious attack on conservative Tom McClintock. Wilson and McClintock did not get along. Why? Because, like today, Tom consistently stands up against increasing the size and scope of state government.

Wilson was furious with McClintock and other conservative legislators… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Marijuana At Work?

2nd UPDATE: After the first vote was expunged days ago, this bill came up again today and got out with41 Aye Votes and 33 No

UPDATE: The call was lifted and the vote count actually went down to 38-34 before the record was then EXPUNGED of the vote…never happened.

Marijuana in the bloodstream would no longer be cause for an employer to terminate or not hire, a person that claims use for medicinal purposes. This would occur under AB 2279 that was up today on our floor. As I write, the bill is "on call" without enough votes, 39-33, to get it out. The bill has vague exceptions for what jobs may be seen as "safety-sensitive" but that I’m sure would require the joy ofmuch litigating to iron out.Industries, like trucking, that have required drug testing, will they be exempt or not?In all or just certain related jobs?

Stats show among users that there are 55% more industrial accidents, 85% more injuries, and a 75% increase in absenteeism.

I had something else I was going to write aboutthis but I forgot…but I do… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Assembly Democrats Fail To Put Their Money Where Their Mouth Is

Democrats have made it clear that raising taxes (rather than cutting spending) is the only is way to solve California’s budget problems.

But today, when given the opportunity to increase taxes by over $34 million so they could continue to spend like drunken sailors, Democrats failed to put their money where their mouth is!

As Assemblyman Doug LaMalfa previously posted, Assembly Bill 1840, by Assemblyman Chuck Calderon, D-Montebello, which forces Californians to pay sales taxes on the items they purchase online didn’t get enough votes to pass off the Assembly floor today.

Only 18 Democrats voted in favor of the measure. 4 Democrats voted ‘No’ and 27 didn’t vote at all.

Assembly Republicans, of course, opposed the bill because it would not only raise taxes, it would also hurt California business and cost jobs. While it’s a good thing that the bill didn’t pass, the only budget solutions Democrats have proposed, or even discussed, so far have been tax increases. But when it comes down to it even they won’t vote for taxes.

It’s becoming clear that Democrats are all talk and no… Read More

Mike Spence

In L.A. 8.25% Sales Tax is not Enough

What does the county of Los Angeles need to help with infrastructure? More taxes!

H/t to for showing that the MTA is drawing up a list of projects that could be used to “sell” voters on a half cents sales tax hike. Already us, Angelinos pay 8.25% with 1% going to transportation.

Show me the roads! Most of the money has gone into subsidizing mass transit. Not a good deal. Fortunately, whenever I drive into neighboring San Bernardino County and need gas or food. I stop on the border and keep the difference. So there.… Read More