Governor Picks Hollywood Traitor Over Heroes: Jane Fonda is in Hall of Fame
The Governor in his announcement of California Hall of Fame inductees wanted to recognize ..“Californians, whose achievements are legendary…"
So he picks who…… Jane Fonda?
For what Barbarella?
By picking a left wing liberal, the Governor is doing the politically correct thing. But this is not just any left wing liberal. This “legendary” pick actually went to Communist Vietnam and fired an anti-aircraft gun at American planes. Fonda never apologized for making propaganda broadcasts for the Communist Vietnamese. Jane Fonda aided and abetted an enemy of the United States.
Now she is in the California Hall of Fame?
Governor if are looking for achievements to pick. I have a few.
Richard A Anderson, Private First Class, U.S. Marine Corps, 2d Platoon, Company F, 2d Battalion, 3d Marines, 3d Marine Division. He was born in Los Angeles. Pfc Anderson was advancing in the jungles of the Quang Tri Province on a rescue mission. His platoon came under attack by Jane Fonda’s buddies from the North. Several men were wounded. A grenade landed in the middle of them right next to where Anderson was taking… Read More