Sen. Abel Maldonado — Party Pooper
As if the liberals who run the State Legislature haven’t come up with enough things to prohibit, outlaw or ban, now in true "Liberal Grinch" style they have decided to outlaw balloons.
Yes, I am being serious. There is legislation (SB 1499) coursing through the legislature banning those cool mylar silver balloons because some brain surgeon says they get caught up in power lines. This legislation, authored by Democrat Senator Jack Scott, "…prohibits the sale or distribution of any balloon that is constructed of electrically conductive materials, and filled with gas lighter than air…"
Um — why don’t we also ban tennis shoes, since I seem to see a pair of those, tied at the laces, hanging off of power lines all of the time.
Anyways, Democrats banning fun isn’t really news.
But when a Republican participates in the process, you have to call them out on it.
Senator Abel Maldonado actually voted for this Nanny State legislation, can you believe it?
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