Now that pot is “legal,” here are some tough questions for Californians
Now that “recreational pot” is “legal” in California, now is a good time to ask a few questions as we assess this change in policy and drug use climbs.
Will you feel safer driving on our roads and freeways while many more people are getting high each day in California, and some of them will be driving on the same roads?
With pot’s negative stigma falling away, will your children, or other children in your neighborhood be more, or less, likely to try pot? Will people under the age of 18 really have no access to “legal” pot?
Will there be more, or fewer, workplace accidents?
Will the cost of car insurance go up, or down, as the number of “driving while high” accidents rises?
Will it become more, or less, desirable to live in California as the number of people getting stoned each day climbs?
Every one of these questions is an important matter of public policy – and each one directly relates to every Californian regardless of whether one consumes pot or not. The decision of voters, at the misguided urging of people like Lt. Governor Gavin Newsom, carries a heavy price tag downplayed or ignored by proponents of legalized… Read More