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Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: GOP Lawyers Compile Recommendations For Judicial Races Around California

One of the most frequent e-mail queries that we get here at the FlashReport is from loyal readers wanting to know who are the "good candidates" to vote for when it comes to judges. Alas, it is often that our message back is that we just don’t know. Well, we are pleased to share with you that this election cycle, the California Republican Lawyers Association has worked hard an put together recommendations in many of the judicial races in counties around California… CRLA President Steve Baric penned this piece to introduce his organization’s recommendations (this piece first appeared on FR friend Steve Frank’s California Political News & Views website) LINKRead More

Jon Fleischman

GOP Lawyers Compile Recommendations For Judicial Races Around California

One of the most frequent e-mail queries that we get here at the FlashReport is from loyal readers wanting to know who are the "good candidates" to vote for when it comes to judges. Alas, it is often that our message back is that we just don’t know. Well, we are pleased to share with you that this election cycle, the California Republican Lawyers Association has worked hard an put together recommendations in many of the judicial races in counties around California… CRLA President Steve Baric penned this piece to introduce his organization’s recommendations (this piece first appeared on FR friend Steve Frank’s California Political News & Views website) LINKRead More

Jon Fleischman

Former Senator Cathie Wright Sticks A Finger In Elton’s Eye

Former longtime California State Legislator, Cathie Wright, has officially decided to poke a stick in the eye of her longtime local Congressman, Elton Gallegly.

Gallegly’s running for re-election this year, having served in Congress from that area since before people converted from LP to compact disk. Conventional wisdom is that Gallegly will easily win renomination as the Republican nominee in what is an overwhelmingly GOP district.

Those who know Cathie Wright (I used to work for her for a time) can visualize her smirk as she envisions Gallegly reading that she has endorsed Michael Tenenbaum against him. Tenenbaum, a local businessman, is in the midst of what will likely be his second Kamikaze run against this incumbent…

FR readers may recall that there was some drama two years ago when Gallegly participated in some political machinations, apparently desiring to retire but "softball" his seat to a friend. For a short period, it looked like Tenenbaum might be the only… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

AB 2062, Ammo Bill, Passes

By a bare majority, the Ammo registration bill passes, 41-31.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Sen. Abel Maldonado — Party Pooper

As if the liberals who run the State Legislature haven’t come up with enough things to prohibit, outlaw or ban, now in true "Liberal Grinch" style they have decided to outlaw balloons.

Yes, I am being serious. There is legislation (SB 1499) coursing through the legislature banning those cool mylar silver balloons because some brain surgeon says they get caught up in power lines. This legislation, authored by Democrat Senator Jack Scott, "…prohibits the sale or distribution of any balloon that is constructed of electrically conductive materials, and filled with gas lighter than air…"

Um — why don’t we also ban tennis shoes, since I seem to see a pair of those, tied at the laces, hanging off of power lines all of the time.

Anyways, Democrats banning fun isn’t really news.

But when a Republican participates in the process, you have to call them out on it.

Senator Abel Maldonado actually voted for this Nanny State legislation, can you believe it?

Perhaps… Read More

Jon Fleischman

WSJ’s Fund on Mitt’s New CA Digs

From today’s Wall Street Journal Political Diary E-mail…

Local Hero

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Meredith Turney

16-year-olds One Step Closer to Voting in California

Assemblymen Anthony Adams and Doug LaMalfa have been doing a great job blogging from the Assembly floor about the flood of bills passing this week. Unfortunately, there are so many bad bills passing, it’s hard to keep up with them. For example, moments ago the Assembly approved AB 1819 (Price) which will allow 16-year-olds to file an affidavit to register to vote in their next eligible election (when they turn 18). Of course Assemblyman Price and his fellow Democrats argued that this will encourage greater civic involvement from young people. But as Assemblyman Joel Anderson pointed out, this is a slippery slope towards allowing minors to vote in presidential elections—something Barack Obama could certainly benefit from were it allowed this year.

One point that I had not considered regarding AB 1819 was brought up by Assemblyman Chuck DeVore: every 16-year-old who files their voter registration affidavit will expose their private information to the public. In an era where keeping a minor’s personal information private is increasingly difficult, why is… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

Employee Verification Tool, E-Verify, In Peril By Assembly Vote

In another win for more chaos to bethrust upon employers to try to responsibly hire employees, AB 2076 passed off of our floor today 41-28.

It would prohibit the State from using any electronic employment verification system, and prohihit local governments from requring employers to use it and declares it state policy to discourage employers from using such a system unless required by federal law.… Read More