The Primaries Are Over — Thank God
I think the title of this postsays it all. Thank God we’re done.
Primaries are the toughest thing ever. Friends for years end up on opposite sides and their relationships are forever strained. People get mad. People get weird. People get angry. And on and on. . . . .
I just hate Republican primaries.
Having vented – I want to say —
* Congratulations to John Benoit, the new Senator-to-be from my district. John ran a terrific campaign and his win was impressive. This was the single most hard hitting election I’ve ever witnessed. Both sides got hit – and both sides hit HARD. Anybody that wasn’t receiving the mail, hearing the radio spots and seeing the TV commercials just can’t appreciate the intensity of this campaign.
I supported Russ Bogh, and I’m sad he lost. But the primary is over and we’ll try our best to put the pieces back together again. Again, congrats John – you’ll be a fine Senator.
* Congrats to Brian Nestande – John Benoit’s replacement in the Assembly. I’ve known Brian forever. He ran a great campaign… Read More