“Obama has captivated the world”
“Obama has captivated the world.” That is the full banner headline in today’s Los Angeles Times. At least they had enough control of themselves to put it on the third page rather than the first.
I recall a time when political news sources in Los Angeles were limited to and dominated by the three traditional networks, PBS, and the Los Angeles Times. The best alternative media for conservatives in those days were the Los Angeles Herald-Examiner, and the weekly Sam Yorty Show on KCOP. Thank God for the age of the internet and cable television.
Now with both less influence and readership, the Los Angeles Times nevertheless continues its 40 or so year-old practice of sugar-coating news in favor of liberal Democrat candidates for office, now centered on its certain-to-be-endorsed candidate for President, Barrack Hussein Obama. The gushing – in news stories mind you – is getting out of control even by New York Times standards of journalism.
Another example, for instance, was the report the other day that Obama had “swept past” McCain in a recent Gallup opinion poll. Mind you, the lead was just 3… Read More