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WaMu Gives Laura Richardson Great Service!
I bank at Wamu. They bought my bank that had bought my original bank. When I needed to open a campaign account for school board, they told me I couldn’t three different times. Bank of the West finally opened one for me.
If only I had a mortgage with them and was a Congressman. Then I would get the service I deserve. Congresswoman Laura Richardson is horrible credit risk. She lost two homes, had car trouble etc…
But Wamu is trying to rescind the foreclosure of her house AFTER it was sold.… Read More

Senator Dutton Opposes Nichols In Key Senate Committee — Her Nomination Should Be Rejected On Senate Floor
The biggest job killer law in the world was the center of this week’s Senate Rules Committee confirmation hearing of Mary Nichols, who has been named by Governor Schwarzenegger to the important position of Chairman of the Air Resources Board.
FR readers may not be aware that Nichols held this position once before — for Jerry Brown when he was Governor! After being a part of the left-wing administration of Governor "Moonbeam" she served as campaign manager for Los Angeles Mayor turned candidate for Governor, Tom Bradley. She worked for groups on the deep end of the environmental wackos list – Natural Resource Defense Council and Environment Now Foundation. But it’s even worse — she was a senior level appointee of former President Clinton in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and was Resources Agency Secretary under the now-disgraced and recalled Governor Gray Davis.
I know – you’re thinking the same thing that I am — that Republicans won the Governor’s seat in California. That’s another… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Senator Dutton Opposes Nichols In Key Senate Committee — Her Nomination Should Be Rejected On Senate Floor
The biggest job killer law in the world was the center of this week’s Senate Rules Committee confirmation hearing of Mary Nichols, who has been named by Governor Schwarzenegger to the important position of Chairman of the Air Resources Board.
FR readers may not be aware that Nichols held this position once before — for Jerry Brown when he was Governor! After being a part of the left-wing administration of Governor "Moonbeam" she served as campaign manager for Los Angeles Mayor turned candidate for Governor, Tom Bradley. She worked for groups on the deep end of the environmental wackos list – Natural Resource Defense Council and Environment Now Foundation. But it’s even worse — she was a senior level appointee of former President Clinton in the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and was Resources Agency Secretary under the now-disgraced and recalled Governor Gray Davis.
I know – you’re thinking the same thing that I am — that Republicans won the Governor’s seat in California. That’s another story — suffice… Read More

Fresno Mayor Autry “Steps In It” – Summoned to Federal Court In Homeless Settlement
Fresno Mayor Alan Autry, in reacting to federal judge Oliver Wanger’s settlement ruling against the city and its treatment of the homeless, has been summoned to federal court Tuesday by the judge, who will call upon Autry to justify his comments in law.
The judge has threatened to void the settlement based on Autry’s comments.
Autry, who is often governed by his heart rather than his judgement in such matters, will likely bring the city attorney along with him for the hearing. Ruh Roh!… Read More

Bay Area Trip Top Ten
I don’t make it up to San Francisco as often as I would like, as I am reminded by how much I enjoy myself on each visit, even a quick overnite stay like last night.
I came up at the invitation of Dr. Sally Pipes (one of the country’s top experts on health care policy) to speak over dinner to the Board of Directors of the Pacific Research Institute, an outstanding think tank that produces tremendous amounts of useful research on a myriad of policy issue.
I thought I would make a "Top Ten" list of silly or astounding observations made – in no particular order:
— Oakland PD motor officers are now tooling around in Harley Davidsons, stopping crime and making a LOT of noise.
— According to my cabbie, more people are using cabs during this period of high gas prices. But cabbies are still losing money because the City of SF won’t let them raise rates to accomodate for a 100 percent rise in gas prices in one year.
— The "stress releiving" lotion provided in my hotel room did little to relieve my stiff neck from watching the Lakers lose their second straight game to the Celtics.… Read More

What is Ken Calvert Thinking?
I have known Ken Calvert for a very long time. Back when I was a youth activist in politics, he served as Chairman of the Riverside County GOP. I’ve run into him from time to time since his election to Congress. As a matter of fact, he endorsed my candidacy for Vice Chairman South of the State GOP just last year. For my interactions with him, Calvert has been a really nice guy.
That said, there is certainly a tension out there because Calvert is a very big proponent of this Appropriations-driven model of governance that we have in the House of Representatives. It is some sort of mentality that seems to boil down to this: our constituents are taxed so much that our job is to drive home as much federal spending back to our districts as possible. Of course this is a totally flawed outlook — conservatives should not argue to increase spending to "mitigate" high taxes, but should fight to lower the taxes.
Anyways, when the GOP took control of Congress in the big "Contract with America" 1994 sweep that propelled Newt Gingrich into the Speaker’s chair, Republicans started to go down the wrong road with an embrace of the… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Tax Hike Alert! Hold Onto Your Wallet with One Hand; Sign this Petition with the Other…
While Legislators gear up to battle over the State budget crisis, a new group is emerging as a leader in the anti-tax debate this year.
Americans for Prosperity has been taking the state by storm since kicking off their "Already Taxed to the Max!" (ATM) Tour in May, traveling the state with a giant ATM machine and asking Legislators and citizens alike to sign a petition for "no new taxes" in this year’s budget.
And, as the new Democratic Speaker of the Assembly Karen Bass proposed a whopping 6.5 billion in new taxes last week, Americans for Prosperity’s campaign comes not a moment too soon.
**There is more – click the link**
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