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Calif. Senator Brokers Clinton Obama Talks

The Washington Post "Trail" blog reports that the historic meeting between Democratic presidential candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama was brokered and hosted by Golden State Sen. Dianne Feinstein.

Here is the scoop and some details about her home.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Democrats Commemorate Anniversary of Prop. 13 With Call For $6.4 Billion In New Taxes

It truly must be a terribly lopsided redistricting plan that allows the state legislature to be dominated with left-wing liberals who are so out of touch with the people of California. On the same day that four separate surveys of public opinion on Proposition 13 show that Californians overwhelmingly support the Measure and its protections against higher taxes (Field, PPIC, Jarvis, and Cal-Tax), newly-minted Assembly Speaker Karen Bass has picked up the Fabian “Higher Tax Conch Shell” and yesterday unveiled an unfortunately predictable budget proposal on behalf of Assembly Democrats. The unstable foundations of their plan are the same two balsa-wood pillars upon which they always stand –… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Democrats Commemorate Anniversary of Prop. 13 With Call For $6.4 Billion In New Taxes

It truly must be a terribly lopsided redistricting plan that allows the state legislature to be dominated with left-wing liberals who are so out of touch with the people of California. On the same day that four separate surveys of public opinion on Proposition 13 show that Californians overwhelmingly support the Measure and its protections against higher taxes (Field, PPIC, Jarvis, and Cal-Tax), newly-minted Assembly Speaker Karen Bass has picked up the Fabian “Higher Tax Conch Shell” and yesterday unveiled an unfortunately predictable budget proposal on behalf of Assembly Democrats. The unstable foundations of their plan are the same two balsa-wood pillars upon which they always stand –… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Human Events: Gizzi on McClintock’s Win

Longtime FR friend and Political Editor of Human Events John Gizzi has penned his take on Tom McClintock’s crushing defeat of Doug Ose. It’s worth a read.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

2nd Assembly District Likes Private Property and Jim Nielsen

Tuesday’s results indicate in that my own Assembly district, the 2nd, we still value private property rights. With Prop 98’s defeat and 99’s win statewide, there is some indication voters want to protect homes from takings but get nervous about anything beyond that as the 98 opponents did very effectively use the rent control fear and hype to deter voter support.

Up our way, we can point to the returns showing that of the 9 counties I represent, 7 voted in majority for Prop 98, with 3 of them, Modoc, Tehama and Colusa eachover 60% for 98.

Only one county in California had a majority voting no on Prop 99 and that was, again, in the 2nd AD, with Colusa County rejecting 99. [If Modoc had flipped 34 votes from "yes" to "no", it wouldve been in the No club too.]

In the 2nd Assembly race, it’s congratulations to former Senator Jim Nielsen, an active proponent of eminent domain reform, who won with a very strong showing in a 4-way primary. Jimreceived very nearly twice the votes of the 2nd place challenger and was first in all nine counties. I expect that he will hit the ground running and do very… Read More

Mike Spence

Long Beach Recruiting Station Attacked With Anti-war Graffiti

Downtown Long Beach’s military recruiting station was scrawled with anti-war graffitti. Did Democratic hate speech help cause it?… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Cal-Tax Survey: Prop. 13 Good For California

The California Taxpayers Association ("Cal-Tax") is one of the leading pro-taxpayer organizations in Sacramento. I cannot tell you how many assaults take place on California taxpayers that only come to light because of the work they do focusing on the vast amount of terrible legislation proposed by Sacramento liberals.

Leading up to tomorrow’s 30th anniversary of Proposition 13, Cal-Tax President Teresa Casazza (pictured to the right) unveiled a new study today that lbusts a myth perpetrated by -the spending lobby. According to the Tax study, “Revisiting Proposition 13,” the landmark initiative has NOT shifted the property tax burden from businesses to homeowners, as the liberals constantly claim. Cal-Tax says: “Since passage of the initiative, the assessed value of non-homeowner property subject to Proposition 13 has grown an average of 8.5 percent per year, while homeowners’ property has… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Cal-Tax Survey: Prop. 13 Good For California

The California Taxpayers Association ("Cal-Tax") is one of the leading pro-taxpayer organizations in Sacramento. I cannot tell you how many assaults take place on California taxpayers that only come to light because of the work they do focusing on the vast amount of terrible legislation proposed by Sacramento liberals.

Leading up to tomorrow’s 30th anniversary of Proposition 13, Cal-Tax President Teresa Casazza (pictured to the right) unveiled a new study today that lbusts a myth perpetrated by -the spending lobby. According to the Tax study, “Revisiting Proposition 13,” the landmark initiative has NOT shifted the property tax burden from businesses to homeowners, as the liberals constantly claim. Cal-Tax says: “Since passage of the initiative, the assessed value of non-homeowner property subject to Proposition 13 has grown an average of 8.5 percent per year, while homeowners’ property has… Read More