Floyd Brown and California 527 activity
My long-time friend and current client Floyd Brown is featured in a story today in the New York Times on his efforts to raise funds, produce commercials, and get the public focused on Barrack Hussein Obama’s awful record and policy positions. Floyd is no stranger to California. He served in Santa Barbara as Executive Director of the Reagan Ranch for four years a few years back, where I had the opportunity to work with him again when I was on the Board of Young America’s Foundation. Floyd also serves with me on the American Conservative Union Board, and with me and your publisher Jon Fleischmanas a Director of the annual "Western Conservative Political ActionConference," which will be held again October 10/11, 2008 in Newport Beach. (Information: www.westerncpac.com.)
Behind the scenes, Floyd has been meeting with Orange County conservative leaders over the last couple of months and assisting Assemblyman Chuck DeVore with the establishment of "Citizens for a Safe and Prosperous America," an issue advocacy committee, whose intent is to… Read More