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Mike Spence

McCurry vs. Spence Rematch?: JSA at the RNC

Four years ago I got a call asking if I would speak to some high school students at the RNC Convention in New York City. The caller told me I would be on a panel with Mike McCurry, President Clinton’s press Secretary. Immediately I was worried that this panel was mismatched.

The group was the Junior Statesman Symposium at the RNC. The Junior Statesman Foundation is the partner to the Junior State. The Junior State is a non-partisan, student-run civic education organization. It was started in California seventy-four years ago but has since been formed in other states.

The Foundation supports the activities of the Junior State and conducts several summer school programs at prestigious campuses like Stanford, Georgetown, and Yale. They also offer several week-long programs that encourage civic responsibility among high achieving high school students.

I had the chance to go to the Summer School programs at UC Davis (now at Stanford) and Georgetown when I was 25 years younger and 200 pounds lighter. I can say it changed my life.

They have added the weeklong symposium at both the RNC and DNC Conventions. This is the… Read More

James V. Lacy

First Amendment victory in Supreme Court, by 5/4 vote!

Besides the decision overuling the District of Columbia handgun ban, the U.S. Supreme Court issued an important opinion today in the case of Federal Election Commission v. Davis, holding that yet another part of the McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform law violates the First Amendment.

The Court found that the so-called "Millionaire’s amendment," which establishes elevated contribution limits for non-self-funding candidates for Congress running against well-heeled self-funded candidates, is unconstitutional because it imposes different contribution limits for candidates running against each other.The opinion reaffirmed the opinion in the famous Buckley v. Valeo case which held that a candidate’s expenditure of personal funds for him or herself is a right based on First Amendmentprinciples tofully "advocate his own election." The Court found there was not a sufficient elimination of corruption or the perception of corruption to justify unequal contribution limits just because one of the candidates hasheavily funded themselves.

The court made the right decision.… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Lester Snow: California’s Water Infrastructure Is Parched

FR Publisher Jon Fleischman is in the midst of a multi-day trip to the State’s Capitol, maintaining, renewing and initiating contacts to better serve FR readers. This morning we’re pleased to offer this guest commentary from Lester Snow penned exclusively for the FlashReport. Snow serves in the Schwarzenegger Administration as the Director of the State Deparment of Water Resources…

This year we’re all feeling the pain caused by a serious water crisis. This won’t be the last year we face a water crisis, unless we do something to prevent it from happening again. In order to prepare for dry years and droughts, California desperately needs to invest in our state’s water infrastructure system. Various factors haveRead More

Jon Fleischman

Guest Commentary: Lester Snow: California’s Water Infrastructure Is Parched

FR Publisher Jon Fleischman is in the midst of a multi-day trip to the State’s Capitol, maintaining, renewing and initiating contacts to better serve FR readers. This morning we’re pleased to offer this guest commentary from Lester Snow penned exclusively for the FlashReport. Snow serves in the Schwarzenegger Administration as the Director of the State Deparment of Water Resources…

This year we’re all feeling the pain caused by a serious water crisis. This won’t be the last year we face a water crisis, unless we do something to prevent it from happening again. In order to prepare for dry years and droughts, California desperately needs to invest in our state’s water infrastructure system.

Various factors have contributing to the drought conditions we currently face. The Sierra snowpack is only 67 percent of normal,Read More

Inside the Beltway News – Thursday

The Supremes ruled on the DC handgun ban, effectively invalidating it–according to news breaking right now. Here is the Post’s brief.

Politico looks at incumbent losses and the defeat of longtime Utah Rep. Chris Cannon,here.

California electeds get some ink on climate change legislation, here, from Politico.

Congressman Mike Pence, a leader among house GOP conservatives, pens a RedState column on the fairness doctrine, here, over at

Politico looks at Bob Barr’s candidacy for POTUS.

And George Will writes on the impacts of immigration policies on California’s tech sector, from today’s Post.

California Rep. Mike Honda is quite the vocalist, from Politico.… Read More

Michael Der Manouel, Jr.

Congressman Nunes on Hannity’s America

Congressman Devin Nunes (R), Tulare, representing the Central Valley of California, appeared on Hannity’s America this past week and hit it out of the park on the subject of oil exploration. See the video here. Its great stuff and should be shared wide and far……………..

Nunes is clear, concise and strident in his opinions and recitation of the facts. Great stuff.… Read More

Congressman Doug LaMalfa

3 Strikes Spay/Neuter Bill Moves Ahead In Senate Committee

AB 1634 just got out of Senate Local Gov’t this morning. The bill has been changed, amendments make it into a kind of 3 Strikes bill for pet owners. If you get caught with a non-fixed animal that is not permitted to be that way it’s a $50 fine the first time, $100 the 2nd anda mandatory spay/neuter on the 3rd occurance with the pet owner paying for the costs.

Cats only get 2 strikes…which will make dog owner/cat haters giggle and probably cause a rash of discrimination lawsuits. But wait, if cats have 9 lives then that must mean 18 strikes, which is unfair to dog owners and will thencause…… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Off to Sacramento with Todd and Van

I’m off to Sacramento through Friday – working to maintain all of the contacts on which I depend to bring you news and commentary! On my SWA flight up from “The OC” are Assemblymen Van Tran and Todd Spitzer. Tran was down for a McCain cashectomy on major GOP donors hosted by George Argyros. I ran into Spitzer yesterday for the swearing-in of Orange County’s new Sheriff, Sandra Hutchens. Oh, gotta go! What’s that phrase? “Wheels up!”… Read More