Nicole Parra Dust Up: Tales of the Unbelievable — Parra, Plescia and McCarthy…
Check THIS out, which just came over from Assemblywoman Parra. In all of my years of political involvement, I have NEVER seen a joint statement released by a Democrat Assemblymember, and two former Assembly Republican Leaders… Amazing… (both the instance, and the circumstances…)
From reading the statement below, it seems like Democrat angst should be focused on State Senator Dean Florez, for his work in opposing Nicole Parra. At the end of the day, who can blame Parra for wanted to get a little "pay back" for that kind of treatment. Of course, it is a bit poetic that the opportunity to "return the favor" comes in the form of working against the Senator’s mom (yes, as in mother), who is the Democrat torch bearer in the race to succeed Parra…
Read it and disbelieve…
STATEMENTAssemblywoman Nicole Parra Assemblyman George Plescia Congressman Kevin McCarthy… Read More