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Matthew J. Cunningham

SB1313 Is A Non-Stick Surface For Fact and Reason

[Cross-posted from Red County/Sacramento]

Red County Sacramento had posted previously on SB 1313, the bill by Sen. Ellen Corbett that elevates frivolous and unnecessary legislation to the level of harmfulness. Now, it seems it will be heard tomorrow in the Assembly Health Committee.

If is passes out of committee, it will be proof that no matter how bad an idea, you sell it if you sell it in the name of "health."

As mentioned in the previous post, SB 1313 seeks to shield Californians health from the pernicious effects of perflourinated compounds.

Sounds like something you’d want to be protected from…until you learn what it is" a substance that is integral to making Teflon, food packaging and anything else that needs to not stick to your food.

Compounding the stupidity of Corbett’s bill is there perflourinated… Read More

Congressman John Campbell

Shhh….The nation is in a record fiscal crisis

Shhhh. The nation is in a record fiscal crisis: Gas and other energy prices are high. Illegal immigration still runs rampant. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan drag on. The economy is in doldrums. And, the federal government is in a record fiscal crisis. You probably already knew the first 4 of these 5 major problems facing America today. But you probably did not know the last one. That is because a bipartisan group of spenders, most of whom are in leadership of their respective parties, don’t want you to rain on their spending parade. But here are the facts:

This week we learned that the federal deficit for the first 8 months of this fiscal year has reached $317 billion. If you project that out for the rest of the year, that would lead us to a $476 billion for the full year. Nearly half a trillion dollars! That would make 2008 the largest deficit in the history of the nation easily eclipsing the prior record in 2004. This week, the appropriations committee released their spending plans for the next fiscal year, which begins October 1st. They have proposed to spend $72 billion more than last year for a 7.7% increase in non-entitlement spending. You … Read More

James V. Lacy

Marriage Initiative challenged by ACLU and Lesbian group

The Los Angeles Times seems to be containing itself in news coverage of the 55 page court challenge filed in San Francisco with the California Supreme Court by the National Council for Lesbian Rights (NCLR)and the ACLU last Friday. Only a small story on the event was published in the Saturday edition. Readers will recall that after the Times published a poll showing the Marriage Amendment was favored in California by 54% to 35% percentage, which also conveniently did not break-out the all important Hispanic swing-vote response, their poll analyzer Ms. Pickus called that a "small majority." The Times probably fears the marriage amendment on the ballot in Novemeber more for its potential to disturb Barrack Hussein Obama’s message in California than for its substance, although we can be sure they care about that too.

I took a look at the complainant NCLR’s website and note their slogan, "The audicity to fightfor justice," rings very sympathetically to the title of BHO’s own book, "The Audicity of Hope." Indeed, there is… Read More

Today’s Commentary: Anatomy Of An Election Domination – Flashreport’s Brad Mitzelfelt’s Commanding Victory In Race For County Supervisor

Former San Bernardino County Flashreport Correspondent Brad Mitzelfelt is in the midst of an understandably joyous celebration. After succeeding his former boss as county supervisor for San Bernardino County’s First Supervisorial District just 18 months ago in a contentious appointment process, Brad Mitzelfelt won the election campaign for the position this past June.

Supervisor Mtzelfelt’s victory was not just a matter of him receiving more votes than his opponent – he thoroughly commanded the race when results were returned, dominating his closest opponent by better than a three-to-one margin. And Mitzelfelt’s opponent was – at least on paper – formidable, a twice-elected official from one of the constituency’s larger cities. In fact, Supervisor Mitzelfelt’s opponent, Hesperia Councilmember Rita Vogler, had recently served in a high profile capacity as her city’s mayor.

Turns out, no real problem for Brad. In addition to winning the race districtwide by a… Read More

Anatomy Of An Election Domination – Flashreport’s Brad Mitzelfelt’s Commanding Victory In Race For County Supervisor

Former San Bernardino County Flashreport Correspondent Brad Mitzelfelt is in the midst of an understandably joyous celebration. After succeeding his former boss as county supervisor for San Bernardino County’s First Supervisorial District just 18 months ago in a contentious appointment process, Brad Mitzelfelt won the election campaign for the position this past June.

Supervisor Mtzelfelt’s victory was not just a matter of him receiving more votes than his opponent – he thoroughly commanded the race when results were returned, dominating his closest opponent by better than a three-to-one margin. And Mitzelfelt’s opponent was – at least on paper – formidable, a twice-elected official from one of the constituency’s larger cities. In fact, Supervisor Mitzelfelt’s opponent, Hesperia Councilmember Rita Vogler, had recently served in a high profile capacity as her city’s mayor.

Turns out, no real problem for Brad. In addition to winning the race districtwide by a… Read More

James V. Lacy

Floyd Brown and California 527 activity

My long-time friend and current client Floyd Brown is featured in a story today in the New York Times on his efforts to raise funds, produce commercials, and get the public focused on Barrack Hussein Obama’s awful record and policy positions. Floyd is no stranger to California. He served in Santa Barbara as Executive Director of the Reagan Ranch for four years a few years back, where I had the opportunity to work with him again when I was on the Board of Young America’s Foundation. Floyd also serves with me on the American Conservative Union Board, and with me and your publisher Jon Fleischmanas a Director of the annual "Western Conservative Political ActionConference," which will be held again October 10/11, 2008 in Newport Beach. (Information:

Behind the scenes, Floyd has been meeting with Orange County conservative leaders over the last couple of months and assisting Assemblyman Chuck DeVore with the establishment of "Citizens for a Safe and Prosperous America," an issue advocacy committee, whose intent is to… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Denham’s Proposals – Two Good, One…Not So Much

Next Wednesday will be a busy one for the State Senate Rules Committee as they hold hearings, and votes, on a slew of pieces of proposed legislation. State Senator Jeff Denham will occupy a good portion of the committee’s time as he has introduced a great many of those bills himself. But this morning I wanted to highlight three of them – two great ideas, and one not-so-great idea.

First – the great ones – SCR 68 and SCR 69 are described thusly by the Senate Republican Caucus:

Conference Committee Membership: SCR 68 would change the budget conference committee membership that meets on a budget bill to 10 members (from 6 members). This measure would also establish a different procedure to appoint members to this committee. SCR 68 states that the Senate Committee on Rules and the Speaker of the Assembly will each appoint three members, and the minority party caucuses in each house will each appoint twoRead More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: Denham’s Proposals – Two Good, One…Not So Much

Next Wednesday will be a busy one for the State Senate Rules Committee as they hold hearings, and votes, on a slew of pieces of proposed legislation. State Senator Jeff Denham will occupy a good portion of the committee’s time as he has introduced a great many of those bills himself. But this morning I wanted to highlight three of them – two great ideas, and one not-so-great idea.

First – the great ones – SCR 68 and SCR 69 are described thusly by the Senate Republican Caucus:

Conference Committee Membership: SCR 68 would change the budget conference committee membership that meets on a budget bill to 10 members (from 6 members). This measure would also establish a different procedure to appoint members to this committee. SCR 68 states that the Senate Committee on Rules and the Speaker of the Assembly will each appoint three members, and the minority party caucuses in each house will each appoint twoRead More