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Protecting a minor’s right to use drugs

Well, it is with some pleasure that I report to you, dear readers, that my Bill, AB 259, is on its way to the Gov’s desk. This Bill would make it a crime for anyone to sell the LSD-like hallucinogenic drug Salvia Divinorum to a minor.For those whoaren’t familiar with the drug, it is plant grown traditionally in the Mazatec region of the Sierra MadreMountains in Oaxaca Mexico. In America the drug is mostly sold as a smoking product. The results of using the drug vary but include alleged changes in consciousness, uncontrolled hysteria, lack of motor skillsand out-of-body experiences.

But before we start celebrating, I want to give a little shout out to the four biggest liberals in the Senate and to rhetorically ask, "what the hell?" Senators Don Perata, Sheila Kuehl, Carol Migden, and Pat Wiggins all voted NO on AB 259 when it was on the Senate floor yesterday. So to them, which part of selling drugs to minors do you find objectionable? Is it your earnest desire to protect the economy, or maybe your deeply held belief in the need to experiment with mind… Read More

Jon Fleischman

EXCLUSIVE: Steve Poizner Poised to Bring on Mike Murphy at front end of 2010 Gubernatorial Bid

For a little while now, I had been hearing persistent whispers that California State Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner had advanced in his preparations for a run for the Republican nomination for Governor in 2010 — so much so to the point that he was in dialogue with nationally acclaimed political strategist Mike Murphy (pictured).

Well, I have now reached out to enough of our FR contacts to be able to say that Poizner has not only met personally with Murphy, but has engaged in multiple phone conversations with him. In addition, several members of Poizner’s "senior team" have been in dialogue with Murphy. While I’m not prepared to say that Murphy has signed on the dotted line (I’m sure that would come with an official statement and media-blitz by Poizner and Murphy), I think I feel safe characterizing this was in the final stages of a negotiation.

Of course, bringing Murphy onboard as a senior strategist would be the loudest and most definitive sign to date that the wealthy (which… Read More

Jim Battin

Waste Watch — Oakland’s Mayor Living Large on Taxpayers’ Tab

The city of Oakland is in a financial mess, facing a $15 million deficit with the mayor calling for a 12-day shutdown of city services. The city also is having problems hiring enough police officers or even getting the ones they have to patrol crime-infested areas. However, this deplorable situation does not seem to worry Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums. He is living the high life on taxpayers’ dime. He’s staying in luxury hotels, dining at the finest restaurants and paying outrageously high salaries to his top staffers. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, (June 16, 2008), “Oakland Mayor Ron Dellums is talking raising taxes and shutting down non-essential City Hall services forRead More

Jon Fleischman

McCain Taps Steve Schmidt as Campaign Manager

There have has been a lot of buzz going around recently about the lack of message-control and clarity coming from the Presidential campaign of U.S. Senator John McCain. Undoubtedly this situation would have been a factor in the decision by the Senator, according to Politico, to tap Steve Schmidt, who had been serving as a "senior advisor" to be his new Campaign Manager.

Those of us that know Steve well can tell you that it will not take long before he has focused the messaging for McCain — focused targeted communications are Schmidt’s speciality.

Steve has actually been back East at McCain HQ for some time now, even though his home is Sacramento where he and his family reside. As many FR readers know, Schmidt was most recently Campaign Manager for Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s double-digit victory over Phil Angelides in 2006.

Good luck to you Steve — remember that there are terrorists worldwide who hope you aren’t up for the challenge — they are NOT… Read More

Jon Fleischman

Today’s Commentary: With help from the Gov, I’ve E-mailed my legislators. Have you?

Right around the stroke of midnight, I got an urgent e-mail from the Governor’s campaign entitled, "Day 1" — referring to the fact that we are now one day into the new fiscal year without a state budget. The e-mail directed me to a call for action on the Governor’s Join Arnold website where I read this message from the Governor’s Team:

The Governor’s 2008-09 budget proposal is a responsible plan that solves the state’s long-term budget problem, fully funds education, keeps our parks open and keeps prisoners behind bars – without tax increases.

However, the state is facing an extremely tough budget year. California’s economy is the most diverse in theRead More

Jon Fleischman

With help from the Gov, I’ve E-mailed my legislators. Have you?

Right around the stroke of midnight, I got an urgent e-mail from the Governor’s campaign entitled, "Day 1" — referring to the fact that we are now one day into the new fiscal year without a state budget. The e-mail directed me to a call for action on the Governor’s Join Arnold website where I read this message from the Governor’s Team:

The Governor’s 2008-09 budget proposal is a responsible plan that solves the state’s long-term budget problem, fully funds education, keeps our parks open and keeps prisoners behind bars – without tax increases. However,Read More

James V. Lacy

July 4 also big deal this year in Germany

July 4 will not only be celebrated in the United States this year, but also in the German capitol of Berlin, and in a big way. California’s George Schultz, the former U.S. Secretary of State, will celebrate it here, as will Dr. Henry Kissinger and alsoformer President George H.W.Bush.

And the reason is very interesting. The United States will open its brand spanking new Embassyhere on our Independance Day, designed in part by Californians and built to include a beautiful "mission" style central courtyard, on the groundsof the former U.S. Embassy. For years the United States has been operating its Embassy at a different location. The reason for that is the old Embassy building and grounds were closed by the U.S. during the Nazi regime (with whom we were at war), and the building was wrecked during the April/May 1945 fighting between the Germans and Soviets, and after the war the property, near the Brandenburg Gate, ended up in the Eastern sector of the City, under Soviet control.To add insult to injury, the East German Communists subsequently completely cleared and paved over the remains of the old U.S. Embassy and used… Read More

Meredith Turney

Newsom Launches Gubernatorial Exploratory Committee

The LA Times is reporting that San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newson has opened an exploratory committee today in his quest to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger. It’s hardly "breaking news," since Newsom is obviously an ambitious politician. But it’s still sure to cause some movement in the Democrat camp. There’s already buzz that several high-profile Democrats may give Newsom a run for his money in a primary. The most obvious challengers would be Lt. Governor John Garamendi, Attorney General (and former governor) Jerry Brown, and fellow mayor Antonio Villaraigosa. The Times is speculating that Newsom will make a final decision about his race by the end of the year.

Governor Newsom is certainly the last thing California needs during this chaotic time in our state’s history. After all, it was Newsom who publicly defied Proposition 22 by marrying homosexual couples, provoking the disastrous California Supreme Court ruling regarding marriage. Whether Proposition 8 (the marriage constitutional amendment) passes in November will be a real test… Read More