Protecting a minor’s right to use drugs
Well, it is with some pleasure that I report to you, dear readers, that my Bill, AB 259, is on its way to the Gov’s desk. This Bill would make it a crime for anyone to sell the LSD-like hallucinogenic drug Salvia Divinorum to a minor.For those whoaren’t familiar with the drug, it is plant grown traditionally in the Mazatec region of the Sierra MadreMountains in Oaxaca Mexico. In America the drug is mostly sold as a smoking product. The results of using the drug vary but include alleged changes in consciousness, uncontrolled hysteria, lack of motor skillsand out-of-body experiences.
But before we start celebrating, I want to give a little shout out to the four biggest liberals in the Senate and to rhetorically ask, "what the hell?" Senators Don Perata, Sheila Kuehl, Carol Migden, and Pat Wiggins all voted NO on AB 259 when it was on the Senate floor yesterday. So to them, which part of selling drugs to minors do you find objectionable? Is it your earnest desire to protect the economy, or maybe your deeply held belief in the need to experiment with mind… Read More