Perata’s right (for the second time) – No more borrowing!
Oh boy. This the second time in just a couple of weeks that I have agreed with something said by lame-duck Senate President Pro-Tem Don Perata. The first time we agreed was when he said that we need to resolve the state budget issue before we turn our sights to the water crisis and a massive bond measure proposed by Governor Schwarzenegger and Senator Feinstein.
It’s being reported over on the SacBee’s Capitol Alert website (registration required) that Perata says the he is opposed to borrowing more money in order to deal with the budget crisis. I couldn’t agree more with that particular sentiment. Now we have a huge chasm of disagreement from there. Perata doesn’t want borrowing, he wants a massive increase in taxes on Californians to allow for a permanently bigger and fatter state government. I, on the other hand, want to see real and deep cuts to government agencies and programs, rolling back the unprecidented growth in California government over the past few years.
If I end up agreeing with Perata any more, we may have to invite him to blog for… Read More