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Katy Grimes

We All Get Screwed In Capitol Affairs

The same leftist culture that created rabid feminism is now condoning victim worship of all females who claim sexual harassment and assault – even before the facts are out. It’s apparent the left is confused, and really doesn’t stand for anything — except for their goal to completely destabilize and destroy traditional America.

Power and Corruption

Many years ago I remember being told by a veteran old-school police officer that there are no victims; we put ourselves in situations in which we can be victimized. In his world of crime and punishment, so few people he saw “victimized” were blameless – other than children, who are not to blame for what predatory adults do to them.

Inside, in the California State Capitol, where power and corruption go together… Read More

Richard Rider

CA Treasurer Chiang’s cure-all for sexual harassment — race and sex quotas!

Sooooo, with the Pension Tsunami bearing down on California state and local governments, our crackerjack State Treasurer John Chiang has a new proposal — to dramatically reduce the nation’s sexual harassment by mandating demographic “diversity” quotas for the boards of directors of our nation’s corporations. Say what??

Isn’t our California state legislature and its employees HIGHLY diversified — controlled by Democrat leaders who champion women’s rights? How’s that working out?

Hint: It’s not. Sexual harassment is rife in our stateRead More

Katy Grimes

Sen. Hannah Beth Jackson Bill Ignores Legislature’s Sexual Harassment; Targets Private Biz

The California Legislature has had at least 30 sexual harassment claims/investigations in the last 10 years. ButDemocrat State Senator Hannah Beth Jackson of Santa Barbara, who has held legislative office 1998-2004 as an Assemblywoman, and has been in the Senate since 2012, prefers to attack the private sector.

Democrat State Senator Hannah Beth Jackson of Santa Barbara introduced a bill in August 2017 that… Read More

Katy Grimes

Assembly Hearing To Expose and Reform CA’s Predatory Political Scene

Alleged sexual harasser Democrat Assemblyman Raul Bocanegra announced his resignation from the Legislature Monday. But does anyone really think anything will change inside the predatory state Capitol?

Last week I was critical of Bocanegra’s faux resignation, when he announced he would leave at the end of his term in December 2018. “‘Not seeking reelection is not a resignation,” I wrote.

Let me make one thing very clear: Raul Bocanegra will not suffer. He will not be jobless and on unemployment. He will not have to reinvent himself. He will not take a blue collar job. What will the Quid Pro Quo be? He has already been promised a soft… Read More

Donald Wagner

Fixing Broken Discount Drug Program Helps Most Vulnerable in our Communities

For the past several years, progressive politicians here in the Golden State and around the nation have made it their personal missions to demonize the pharmaceutical industry and the costs of prescription drugs. The politicians do this while betraying absolutely no understanding of the basic economics driving the industry, an industry not devoid of its share of challenges and imperfections, but also one with stunning, life-extending and life-enhancing successes. Unfortunately, the demonizing comes at the expense of jeopardizing continued successes.

This is not to say that the pharmaceutical industry does not need sensible regulatory oversight. It does, and, as with any industry, we shouldn’t hesitate to shine a bright light on and hold the “bad actors” accountable if they take advantage of the people they are to serve.

But sometimes, that “bad actor” is the government itself.

Twenty-five years ago, Congress created the so-called 340B drug discount program. It was a good idea at the time, requiring pharmaceutical companies to provide discounted outpatient drugs to clinics and hospitals in areas that serve the uninsured, underinsured, and… Read More

Katy Grimes

CA Supreme Court Decision ‘Preordained’ by Jerry Brown



California Gov. Jerry Brown and the Democrat-supermajority State Legislature hold the state Supreme Court’s purse strings. Evidence of this can be found in the MondayCalifornia Supreme Court 7-0 decisionin the Gerawan Farming case.

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Richard Rider

The most racist institutions in America? Elite American colleges.

Many years ago it was accepted practice for our elite colleges to severely limit the number of Jews admitted. After all, Jews were overachievers, driven by their religion and culture to excel. Admitting “too many” Jews meant that more NON-Jews were being excluded from their “rightful” admission. Eventually this incredibly racist policy was done away with. Well, sorta done away with.

I suspect that you can see where I’m going with this. So can the U.S. Department of Justice. Who are the new “Jews” in America? Asians.

At “ground zero” (and now the bulls-eye) of this obvious but denied discrimination is Harvard University, the proud flagship of our elite Ivy League colleges. After too many years of passive acceptance by Asians, in 2014 a group of these rejected students filed a lawsuit against Harvard and its blatantly racist policies. Here we are towards the end of 2017, and Harvard still refuses to give up the court-required data that will easily verify that this policy exists.

Finally the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) has stepped in, demanding in a lawsuit that the University comply… Read More

Katy Grimes

CA’s Capitol ‘Unwanted Sexual Advances’ Problem and Official Cover Ups

With the casting couch being front page headlines in Hollywood, New York, Washington D.C. and in California’s State Capitol,“unwanted sexual advances” has become the latest unfortunate phrase in today’s news pages. Common to most stories is how perpetrators have protected themselves, with the help of high placed accomplices.

My previous article, “Capitol Cesspool: Dem. Sen. Nancy Skinner Involved in Cover-Up of Sexual Harassment?” identified just how deep the California Capitol swamp is, with then-Assemblywoman Nancy Skinner, head of the Assembly Rules Committee, covering up sexual harassment in the Assembly in 2009.

Her cover up allowed accused then-Capitol staffer harasser Raul Bocanegra to run for Assembly, without his voters knowing of the allegations, or of the Rules Committee investigation which found “that more likely than not,” Bocanegra engaged in harassing behavior.

And now, Assemblyman Bocanegra has been accused by six new women of sexual harassment,… Read More

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